Request for Expressions of Interest Under the Second HIV/AIDS Pruqramme Development Project (HPDPII)

Posted by Chinyere on Mon 04th Feb, 2013 -

Oyo State Agency for the Control of AIDS (OYSACA) has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of implementing the second HIVIAIDS programme Development project (HPDP 2) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consultancy services under the HI V/AIDS Fund (HAF) project. The overall goal of the second HIV Programme Development Project is to reduce the risk of HIV infections by scaling up prevention interventions and to increase access to and utilization of HIV counseling, testing, care and support services in Oyo State.

Assignment Description & Services Requested (Scope of Work):
This is a call for Expression of Interest from qualified and competent NGOs, FBOs, CBOs, Support Groups and PSOs that earlier participated in the CSOs mapping exercise in Oyo State and new entrants to provide services to Oyo SACA in project implementation for a period of two years. Organizations are expected to identify and work with any or all specified target populations within the specified priority geographic coverage areas to deliver evidence based HIV intervention packages in line with international standard and best practices.

Programme Areas & Target Populations:
1. Prevention

CSOs are required to identify and work with the following populations within priority LGAs simultaneously delivering specific services as follows:

A.) The Most-At-Risk Populations (MARPs):
MARPs in Oyo State includes: Female Sex Workers and their clients (FSWs), Men Having Sex with Men (MSM) and Injecting Drug Users (lDUs) in the following priority Communities- Bodija MarketlKraal in Ibadan North LGA, Ekotedo-Iyaolobe in Ibadan NW LGA, Iwo Road/Gate community in Ibadan North East LGA, Beere, and Oje communities in Ibadan South East LGA and New Bodija in Ibadan North LGA. The priority intervention areas for MARPs include the followings: peer outreach and education for HIV prevention, condom promotion and distribution (including lubricants), education about correct condom use and negotiation, HIV counseling and testing, HIV treatment, referral and follow-up, STI treatment services, structural interventions including crisis response, community mobilization, access to social entitlements, skills education, etc.

B. The Vulnerable Population:
The Vulnerable Population in Oyo State are In-School Youths (Secondary & Higher Institutions) and Out-of School Male and Female Youths (MOSYs & FOSYs) within the age group 15 and 24 years. The priority Ten (10) Local Government Areas are; Ibadan North, Ibadan North East, Ibadan North West, Ibadan South East, Ibadan South West, Ibarapa Central, Oyo East, Ogbomoso North, Ogbomoso South and Saki West LGAs. Other Vulnerable population are; Farmers and Migrant Farm labourers in Six (6) Local Government Areas; Orire LGA, Oyo West LGA, Ibarapa North LGA, Saki East LGA, Oluyole LGA and Itesiwaju LGA; Long Distant Truck Drivers (LDTD) in Three (3) Local Government Areas; Ojoo/Akinyele communities in Akinyele LGA, Sabo in Ogbomoso North LGA and Fiditi in Afijio LGA including Okada drivers in the 5 LGA5 of Ibadan metropolis (Ibadan North, Ibadan North-East, Ibadan North West, Ibadan South-East and Ibadan South-West). The priority intervention areas for Vulnerable key population includes: outreach and education for HIV prevention, condom promotion and distribution (including lubricant distribution), HIV counseling and testing, HIV treatment referral and STI treatment services (referral or direct provision).

C. The General Population:
These are married men and women between ages 30 and 59 years who patronize club houses, local joints, beer pariours and other social hotspots and hang outs. Studies have shown that sexual risk behavior, multiple sexual partners and unsafe sexual practices were common among men, married men and commercial drivers (Omokhodion, 2007), despite a high level of awareness of HIV & AIDS in the State (97% men and 94.3% women are aware of HIV/AIDS but only 18.5% men and 24.8% women had comprehensive knowledge on HIV prevention -DHS, 2008). The priority geographical areas for the target group are; Ibadan North and Ibadan South west LGAs in the Oyo South Senatorial district; Ogbomoso North and Saki West in Oyo North Senatorial district and Oyo East and Ona Ara LGAs in Oyo Central Senatorial district.

The priority intervention areas for General Population includes Information and education for HIV risk reduction, condom promotion and distribution (including social marketing), HIV counseling and testing, Advocacy referral, demand creation and support for PMTCT services where available, referral for H IV treatment where available in the State.

2. Careand Support
Organizations are expected to deliver evidence based Care and Support services to People Living with HIV/AIDS and/or Orphans and Vulnerable Children within a specified geographic coverage area. Ten support groups of people living with HIV shall be focused for intervention (Six from the Oyo South senatorial district, two from Oyo Central and two from Oyo North senatorial districts). Other targets are the caregivers and the orphans and vulnerable children (OVC).

The priority area of interventions are as follows; demand creation for H IV and related services like; HCT, referrals for ART, PMTCT, TB and STI treatment and management. Adherence counseling and promotion of treatment literacy, create community involvements thereby enhancing the fight against stigma and discrimination, support monthly coordination meeting of care providers and support groups within each senatorial district so as to encourage best practices, increase information sharing, data collection and programme accountability.

3. Selection Criteria:
Oyo SACA invites eligible organizations to express their interest in providing any of the above mentioned services. Interested organization must provide information indicating they are qualified to perform the services which include evidence of registration with CAC or any other approving authority (State or Local) of not less than one year old, brochures/organizational profile containing area of expertise, description of similar assignments with delivered results, demonstrate logistics, and infrastructural capacity to deliver, experience in similar projects, availability of adequate staff with appropriate skills, office accommodation located within the state, operational governance structure and process, understanding the culture and traditional values including local languages of the project areas, evidence of working in and with the community and evidence of financial management, organizations are encouraged to associate to enhance their qualifications. Organization should also indicate their interests focusing on their area of competency through a formal letter.

General Terms and Condition:
The Expression of Interest by organization must be spiral binded in three copies and submitted in sealed envelopes and one CD-Rom delivered to the Oyo State Agency for the Control of AIDS (OYSACA). The sealed envelope must be clearly marked OYSACA Expression of Interest for HAF implementation. Only shortlisted organizations shall be contacted for further details.

Closing Date/Submission
The Expression of Interest should be submitted at the address given below not later than 5 March, 2013 between the hours of 0800 to 1600 hours, Mondays to Fridays, except on public holidays.

The Project Manager,
Oyo State Agency for the Control of AIDS
No 8, Government House Road, Agodi, Ibadan.
Attention: Community Mobilization Officer,
E-mail:, Website:


