The Abia State Agency for the Control of AIDS has received financing from the World Bank to coordinate the HIV/AIDS program Development project (HPDP2) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consultant services.
Assignment Description and Services
This is a call for Expression of Interest from qualified and competent Organizations (Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) including Non Government Organizations, Faith Based Organizations, Private Sector Organizations and Umbrella Organizations) to provide support to implementing the HIV/AIDS Fund (HAF). The focus is on prevention of new HIV infections and Care and support. The Organization will have Means of Verification peculiar to their activities.
Organizations are expected to work with any or all specified target populations within the specified geographic coverage area to deliver, evidence based HIV intervention packages in line with international standard and best practices.
HIV Prevention of New Infections
1.) Most At Risk Populations (MARPs)
I .Target Population: Female Sex Workers:
Geographic Coverage: Aba South, Aba North, Osisioma, Obingwa and Umuahia North LGAs.
2.) Other Vulnerable Groups
i. Target Population: Youths! Young adults, (Artisans, Hairdressers, barbers, bus conductors)
Geographic Coverage: Ukwa East, Ukwa West, Isiala Ngwa North, lsiala Ngwa South, Umuahia South, Osisioma, Ohafia and Umunneochie.
ii. Target population: in-school youths in tertiary institutions, (student Union Government)
Geographic Coverage: Aba North, Aba South, lkwuano, lsuikwuato and Arochukwu.
iii. Target population: Men of reproductive Age (MRA) (community leaders, Head of households Opinion makers and influencer)
Geographic Coverage: Ohafia, lsialangwa North, lsialangwa South, Ukwa West, Arochukwu, Ukwa East, Arochukwu.
iv. Target population: Transport Workers Short Distant Drivers (SDD). (Buses, cars and kekes),
Geographic Coverage: Aba North, Aba South, Umuahia North, Osisioma, Obingwa, lsialangwa North, lsiaiangwa south and Ugwunabo.
v. Target population: Uniform Service Personnel (police, Civil Defence etc)
Geographic Coverage: Ohafia, lsukwuato, Bende, Isialangwa North. lsialangwa South.
vi Target Population:Transport Workers - Long Distant Drivers,
Geographic Coverage: Aba North, Aba South, Osisioma, Umuahia North-Ugwunagbo and Umunneochi
3.) Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission
i. Target Population: Pregnant women:
Geographical Population: lkwuano, Ukwa West, Ukwa East, Ohafia, Umunneochi, Isukwuato and Bende.
4.) Care and Support
i. Target Population: People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA)
Geographical Population: Aba Urban, Ukwa West, Ukwa East, Ohafia, Umunneochi, Arochukwu Umuahia North and lsalangwa North
Selection Criteria
- The Agency invites eligible organizations to express their interest in providing any of the above mentioned services. Interested Organizations must provide information indicating they are qualified to perform the services which include evidence of registration with Corporate Affairs Commission or with the appropriate authorities in the State and Local Government Authorities for at least 2 years. (Organizational profile containing area of expertise, competence to deliver, Sound financial management, availability of adequate staff with appropriate skills etc) The organization should have a corporate account with not less than two signatories for a minimum of six months. Evidence of records of minutes of meetings .The organisation must have a traceable address including signboard permanently fixed in front of the facility. The organisation must have evidence of similar activities over the past 2 years in Abia State and ready to work in at least 2 LGAs in the state. The office must not be less than a 2-room office and proof of tenancy for at least one year. The organisation must be prepared to work in any assigned LGA in Abia state. While emphasis will be laid on civil societies that were captured in the last mapping exercise, organisations with proven and demonstrable capacity on HIV/AIDS programming that were not captured in the mapping will also be considered.
Assignment is for a period of 24 months to complete the assignment.
General Terms and Conditions:
- Organization will be selected in accordance with procedures set out in world Bank’s Guideline: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers. (January 2011 edition). Eol must be submitted in 2 hard copies and delivered to Abia State Agency for the Control of AIDS (ABSACA) not later than 21 days from the date of issue.
- Only organizations shortlisted for the next stage would be contacted for a detailed proposal based on the Request for proposal (RFP) that will be issued to them.
Expression of Interest through email and fax will not be accommodated.
Interested applicants may obtained further information at the address below from 9.00 am to 4.00pm, Monday - Friday (Except public holidays)
The Expression of Interest will be enveloped and delivered not later than 4.OOpm on 28th February 2013 and addressed to The Project Manager! Executive Secretary Abia State Agency for the Control of AIDS (HIV Programme Development Project 2) 23b Okpara Avenue Umuahia. The name and address of the respondent should be clearly indicated on the reverse side of the outer envelope.
Contact Information
Project Manager/Executive Secretary.
Abia State Agency for The Control Of AIDS
(HIV/AIDS Programme Development Project 2.)
23b Okpara Avenue Umuahia Abia State
Telephone: 08167037003.