Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI) for the Engagement of a Short-Term Consultant for the Conduct of Pilot Baseline Survey (Individual Consultant Selection) at the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Posted by Kordinichi on Fri 25th Oct, 2024 -

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is making a Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI) for the Engagement of a Short-Term Consultant for the Conduct of Pilot Baseline Survey for Bagwai and Kura LGAs in Kano State. Interested companies should possess relevant qualifications and experience.

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD is an international financial institution and a specialised agency of the United Nations that works to address poverty and hunger in rural areas of developing countries. It is the only multilateral development organization that focuses solely on rural economies and food security.

Applications are invited for:

Title: Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI) Engagement of a Short-Term Consultant for the Conduct of Pilot Baseline Survey for Bagwai and Kura LGAs in Kano State (Individual Consultant Selection)

Reference Code: NCO/SAPZ-1/IFAD/CS/ICS/P/003/1
Kano State

  • The Federal Government of Nigeria has received financing from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) towards the cost of the Special Agro-Processing Zones Program (SAPZ), and intends to apply part of the proceeds for the recruitment of consulting services, for which this REOI is issued.
  • The use of any IFAD financing shall be subject to IFAD's approval, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the financing agreement, as well as IFAD's rules, policies and procedures. IFAD and its officials, agents and employees shall be held harmless from and against all suits, proceedings, claims, demands, losses and liability of any kind or nature brought by any party in connection with Special Agro - Processing Zones Program.
  • The consulting services ("the services") include: conduct of regular field visits to assess the condition of the rice and tomato crops in the SAPZ Project areas in Kano State; offer post-planting advice on crop management, including pruning for tomatoes, irrigation management for both crops and weed control in rice fields; establish a pest and disease monitoring system to detect early signs of infestations or diseases and recommend suitable interventions; provide support in harvesting techniques to ensure crops are picked at optimal maturity, especially for tomatoes; offer recommendations for value addition, such as processing tomatoes into paste or canning, and adding value to rice through milling and proper storage; prepare and submit regular reports detailing the progress of field activities, challenges faced, and proposed solutions.
  • More details on this consulting services are contained in the Terms of Reference (TOR) which can be obtained from the address below between 10am - 4pm on working days or obtained from the website:
  • It is expected that this consultancy service shall be for a period of 60 days within which the consultant shall accomplish all the tasks including submission of final report to the Client. This request for expressions of interest (REOI) follows the General Procurement Notice that appeared on the IFAD website on 17th April, 2023, on UNDB on 17th April, 2023.
  • The attention of interested consultants is drawn to IFAD's Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Policy 1 and the Revised IFAD Policy on Preventing Fraud and Corruption its Activities and Operations
  • The latter sets forth IFAD's provisions on prohibited practices. IFAD further strives to ensure a safe working environment free of harassment, including sexual harassment, and free of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) in its activities and operations as detailed in its IFAD Policy to Preventing and Responding to Sexual Harassment, Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.
  • Interested consultants shall not have any actual, potential or reasonably perceived conflict of interest.
  • Consultants with an actual, potential or reasonably perceived conflict of interest shall be disqualified unless otherwise explicitly approved by the Fund.
  • Consultants are considered to have a conflict of interest if they
    • Have a relationship that provides them with undue or undisclosed information about or influence over the selection process and the execution of the contract, or
    • Have a business or family relationship with a member of the client's board of directors or its personnel, the Fund or its personnel, or any other individual that was, has been or might reasonably be directly or indirectly involved in any part of:
      • The preparation of the REOI
      • The selection process for this procurement, or
      • Execution of the contract. Consultants have an ongoing nobligation to disclose any situation of actual, potential or reasonably perceived conflict of interest during preparation of the EOI, the selection process or the contract execution.
  • Failure to properly disclose any of said situations may lead to appropriate actions, including the disqualification of the consultant, the termination of the contract and any other as appropriate under the IFAD Policy on Preventing Fraud and Corruption in its Projects and Operations.
  • The National Program Coordination Office now invites eligible Individual consultants ("consultants") to indicate their interest in providing the services.
  • Interested consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the services in the form of a curriculum vitae (CV).
  • A consultant will be selected in accordance with the individual consultant selection (ICS) method set out in IFAD' Project Procurement Handbook that can be accessed via the IFAD website at: Interviews will not be conducted as part of the selection process.
Shortlisting Criteria
The criteria for shortlisting consultants will be based on:
  • General Qualification
  • General Working Experience
  • Adequacy for the assignment
  • Experience in Similar assignment in Donor Funded project.
Application Closing Date
31st October, 2024 (12.00 Noon local time).
Bids Submission
Interested and qualified Consultants should submit their Expressions of interest in the form of Curriculum Vitae (CV) in a written form to:
DR. Kabir Yusuf,
National Program Coordinator,
SAPZ National Co-ordination Office (NCO),
Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security,
#3 Aguleri Street, Off Gimbiya Street,
Area 11, Abuja.; +2348168088308; +2348035949354

  • Any request for clarification on this REOI should be sent via e-mail to the address above no later than 4.00 pm local time on 27th October, 2024. The client will provide responses to all clarification requests by 4.00 pm local time on 29th October, 2024.
  • Late Submissions will NOT be accepted.


