John Snow Incorporated (JSI) is requesting for Quotations from qualified Bidders for Audit Services. Interested bidders should be members of the Institute of either ICAN or ANAN in Nigeria.
John Snow, Incorporated (JSI) - We are public health care and health systems consultants and researchers driven by a passion to improve health services and health outcomes for all.
Applications are invited for:
Title: Request for Proposal (RFP) for Audit Services
Locations: Nigeria
Job Overview
Re: Carry out an Independent Audit for John Snow Inc Nigeria And JSI Research and Training Institute, Inc. Nigeria:
- John Snow Inc and JSI Research and Training Institute, Inc.. hereinafter called "JSI," invites qualified independent Auditors, hereinafter called "Auditor," having sufficient, for profit, nonprofit and auditing experience in performing an audit in accordance with the specifications outlined in this Request for Proposal (RFP) to submit a proposal.
- There is no expressed or implied obligation for JSI to reimburse firms for any expenses incurred in preparing proposals in response to this request. Acceptance of a quotation neither commits JSI to award a contract to any vendor, even if all requirements stated in the RFP are met nor limits our rights to negotiate in our best interests. We reserve the right to contract with a vendor for reasons other than the lowest price. The pricing, terms, and conditions offered in your response to this RFP must remain valid for 90 days from the date the quotation is delivered
- The specific details shown herein shall be considered minimum unless otherwise shown. The specifications, terms, and conditions included with this RFP shall govern any resulting contract(s) unless approved otherwise in writing by JSI.
Description of John Snow Inc. Nigeria
- JSI has partnered to strengthen the Nigerian health system since 1988. Today we are helping to strengthen market systems for family planning and HIV commodities in the public and private sectors.
- Taking a total market approach (TMA) to HIV prevention, condoms, lubricants, HIV self-testing, and PrEP, JSI is engaging the private sector and building their capacity to improve access to HIV prevention commodities. To stimulate demand, JSI is improving awareness and use of HIV-prevention commodities via social media through the Keep It Safe and Sweet (KISS) behavior change communication (BCC) campaign. JSI is also strengthening the capacity of the Nigerian Government to coordinate the many partners involved in TMA for HIV prevention programming. This initiative is a continuation of work first begun under the USAID-funded AIDSFree project that JSI implemented between 2014 and 2020.
- Over the years, JSI has implemented a range of projects to strengthen the health system and improve pediatric health care and HIV and AIDS services, among others. Between 2009 and 2015, JSI’s Targeted States High Impact Project (TSHIP) increased access to maternal, newborn, and reproductive health and family planning services and increased community engagement to improve health outcomes in northern Nigeria’s Sokoto and Bauchi states.
- As an essential component of health systems strengthening, JSI has helped the government of Nigeria strengthen the supply chains for maternal and child health, HIV and AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, and family planning commodities through a range of activities funded by USAID, UNFPA, and the Global Fund. Among its accomplishments, JSI has streamlined distribution systems across commodities and health programs and improved the government’s ability to plan for its commodity needs at both the national level and in a number of states. Our focus on supply chain optimization for HIV commodities in particular has unified 12 separate supply chains, reduced costs and improved performance, establishing a model for harmonization and integration across programs.
- In addition, JSI has provided the thought-leadership and technical assistance to apply private sector best practices at the state level, introducing vender management inventory (VMI) direct delivery systems in Bauchi and Ebonyi states, and supporting business process reengineering and optimization of the essential drug program in Cross River State.
Scope of Work
- The purpose of the request for proposal is to obtain the services of a registered Audit firm for the financial annual audit for 2020-2022 fiscal year. The financial statements will be audited in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
- The financial statement audit is to determine whether (1) the financial statements present fairly the financial position, results of operations, and cash flows or changes in financial position in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and (2) whether JSI has complied with laws and regulations for those transactions and disclosed events that may have a material effect on the financial statements.
- The financial-related audit will also include determining whether (1) financial reports and related items are fairly presented, and (2) JSI has adhered to specific financial compliance requirements.
- Specifically, the Auditor should produce all Financial reports and documentation necessary for JSIand fileall the required returns with the Nigeria Revenue Authority.
- In addition, the auditor will review and if deemed correct, certify JSI most recent two fiscal year indirect cost pools and base cost compositions along with derive rates.
- Be a member of the Institute of either ICAN or ANAN in Nigeria.
- Be authorized by the Institute of either ICAN or ANAN in Nigeria to practice.
- Have at least ten (10) years experience auditing both for-profit and nonprofit organizations in Nigeria.
- Must have experience performing similar audits for development organizations and US government contractors or recipients.
- Provide brief resumes of the personnel assigned to the engagement including the partner in charge of the audit team, the manager in charge of the onsite field work, and the senior in charge of the onsite field work.
- The auditor has no conflict of interest with regard to any other work performed by the firm for the JSI.
- The auditor must have the ability to conduct the audit in the timeframe required.
Reporting Timeline:
- The audit is scheduled to begin no later than 31st May 2023 and the Draft Audit Report should be submitted on or before 18th June 2023 while the final Reports should be submitted by 23rd June 2023.
Application Closing Date
Not Specified.
Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should send their quotation, including all requested supporting information by email via: using "Financial Audit" as the subject of the mail.
Note: To simplify the evaluation process and obtain maximum comparability, JSI requires that all responses to the request for proposal (RFP) clearly state the Audit fees and the Audit timelines.