The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) invites interested and eligible consultants / companies to express interest by submitting RFP documents for the following works:
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) was established on December 14, 1950 by the United Nations General Assembly. The agency is mandated to lead and co-ordinate international action to protect refugees and resolve refugee problems worldwide. Its primary purpose is to safeguard the
rights and well-being of refugees. It also has a mandate to help stateless people.
Applications are invited for:
Reference: 2022_RFP_002
Title: Request for Proposal (RFP) - For the Establishment of a Frame Agreement for the Provision of Health System Resilience, Enhancement and Refugee Responses Project
Statement of Purpose & Objectives
The majority of refugees are hosted in low to middle-income settings. More and more refugees are living outside of camps and settlements. Governments are responding with a range of policy approaches, including the right to work and access to health care services. Depending on the country, refugees and asylum seekers may have access to some services but not others, leaving NGOs and other partners to fill gaps.
Given the diversity of contexts and the consequent variation in responses, it is important to research and document the appropriateness and effectiveness of different approaches in meeting the dual objectives of ensuring that refugee morbidity and mortality is minimized and well-being is promoted, and that advances are made on refugee inclusion and integration into national health systems in line with recommended nexus approaches in the health sector. This will assist in identifying good practices and lessons learnt; opportunities and missed opportunities and informing future approaches.
This request for proposals seeks to identify a company, institution, academic institution, other entity, or a combination of these, to undertake research over a period of three years in a number of countries to document the approach to meeting the health needs of refugees and their host communities. The research will broadly examine the following:
- Responses to meeting health and nutrition needs of refugees from the emergency response (where relevant) to stable situations
- What is the evidence that the documented responses have been effective in terms of the following outcomes:
- Meeting the spectrum of health needs of refugees including identifying and overcoming the barriers to access
- Alleviating the impact on the host community and national/local health systems including providing support to the national health system
- Catalyzing effective partnerships
- Utilizing the available financing mechanisms,
- Identifying and responding to enabling and inhibiting factors relating to national health system governance,
- The cost effectiveness of different approaches
The frame agreement will require researchers versed in a mixed-methods approach: qualitative and quantitative primary data collection and analysis is necessary to respond to the below research questions in the country case studies. This will be complemented by secondary analyses of data from government, UNHCR, other UN agencies, NGOs, refugees themselves and of peer-reviewed academic and grey literature.
RFP Requirements
- Academic institution, company, other entity or a combination of these, with proven track record of research, policy and strategy development relating to health systems and health systems strengthening in resource-poor or resource-constrained settings
- Expertise in health systems financing; health systems governance including Universal health coverage, equity and quality; approaches to bridging the humanitarian development nexus
- Experience in displacement, conflict and fragile settings in including health sector responses highly desirable
- Capacity to collate and analyze secondary data relevant to the research questions and draw conclusions e.g. national health accounts or similar tools, DHIS 2 reports, national survey reports
- Capacity to work in English and French is essential. Spanish and Arabic desirable
- Capacity to form partnerships with academic institutions in country and/or region of the studies
- Travel will be required to the case study countries
General Requirements
- Company registration certificate
- Latest Balance Sheet and Income Statement
- Reference from 3 major customers including at least one UN entity incl. names and contact information of your counterparts
- List of main customers that are already using similar services of your company, with general contact information
- Three (3) research projects examining health systems in resource -poor settings over the last three years at international level.
- Three (3) research projects covering at least two regions conducted with academic institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East or North Africa, Asia or central or South America.
Application Closing Date
20th April, 2022.
Submission of Documents
Bidders should
Click Here to submit bids.
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