The Society for Family Health (SFH) invites interested and reputable organisations to tender sealed bidding documents for the following works:
Society for Family Health (SFH) was incorporated in 1985 and is one of the foremost Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), that provide support to the Nigerian government in key areas of public health: HIV&AIDS prevention, social services, family planning and maternal & child health (malaria, water and sanitation, and diarrhoea control).
Applications are invited for:
Title: Invitation to Bid for the Selection of Community Based Organisations (CBOs) for Programming with key Population in Abia State (II)
SFH is a Sub-Recipient (SR) to FHI360 as Principal Recipient (PR), under the Global Fund National Aligned HIV/AIDS Initiative (NAHI) Grant which runs from January 1, 2021, to September 30, 2023.
The goal of the grant would be achieved through the provision of Comprehensive Community-based HIV Service Package which includes prevention, care and support, referrals, and linkages to treatment services in the One-Stop-Shop (OSS). The grant is also aimed at supporting community and institutional system strengthening through the identification and capacity building of Adolescent and Young Persons Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) in Abia State, for effective programming.
Objective of service:
- The overall NAHI goal is to reduce the incidence of new HIV infections, mortality, and morbidity due to HIV/AIDS in Nigeria (with focus on key and vulnerable populations).
AYP CBO Activity Summary
- Carry out Community level validation of mapped sites and size estimation at AGYW hotspots.
- Implement AGYW programmes in line with the national prevention strategy.
- Stakeholder Engagement Process: to identify and collaborate with community stakeholders, influencers, and opinion leaders to advocate for support and ownership of the community intervention.
- Engagement of AGYW Champions as counselor, testers and case managers for provision of HIV Testing Services and secondary and tertiary school HIV outreaches.
- Supervise and Mentor AGYW Champions provision of HIV Testing Services and secondary and tertiary school HIV outreaches.
- Coordinate Interpersonal Communication (IPC) Outreaches.
- Promote, provide, and distribute male and female condoms and lubricants.
- Conduct monthly review meetings at community level for AGYW Champions, to provide updates on outreaches conducted and map out plans for the following month.
- Mobilize and conduct targeted Mobile HIV Testing Services focusing on Key Population communities.
- Carry out immediate accompanied linkage and referral to treatment for HIV, STI, TB and other services.
- Initiate same day - same site commencement of Anti-Retroviral Therapy - ART (test and treat) for positive AGWY through accompanied referral to the One-Stop-Shop (OSS).
- Conduct Adherence Counselling and Partner Notification Services for AGWY.
- Liaise with State Gender and Human Rights Response Teams to tackle cases of Human Rights Violations against AGWYs.
- Collaborate and engage with SACA, SMOH, ministry of Education, ministry of women affairs, ministry of youths, LACA and other State actors periodically.
In line with achieving the major objective for this intent, SFH invites interested and reputable organisations (with proven expertise and experience in carrying out HIV/AIDS activities among the AGYW population) to bid for this service in ABIA State.
This Invitation to Bid is in two (2) stages; Pre-qualification and Request for Application stages (as described below).
Pre-qualification Stage - Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for consideration, interested organisations must provide the following details:
- Certificate of incorporation (CAC) or LGA/State Registration with evidence of certificate.
- Tax Clearance Certificate for 2018, 2019 and 2020.
- Most recent audited account/financial statement (i.e. for 2018, 2019 and 2020) or certified annual financial report.
- Evidence of previous similar job done among AGWY in the State for the past three (3) years (must include any or all of the following: Service agreements/contracts, Award Letters, Memorandum of Understanding, evidence of completion of service, etc)
- Must have presence/activities in the State.
- Declaration of conflict of interest in terms of relationship of staff employed in your organization.
Request for Technical Application Stage
Guidelines for Technical Application - The Technical Application should not exceed 10 pages; written in English language, single spacing, font size 12 and font type Times New Roman. Components such as graphs, charts, cover pages, dividers, table of contents, and attachments (i.e. key personnel resumes, acknowledgement letters, past performance information, references, organogram, etc) are not included in the 10-page limitation for the Technical Application.
Your Technical Application should include the following information with the corresponding scoring weights (the score assigned to each Application will be of guidance in determining which Application would provide the greatest value to SFH):
- Itemize the main issues faced by Adolescents and Young Women (AGWY) exposed and infected by HIV in the State (1 page). It is expected that the successful CBO in this aspect of the Technical Application will demonstrate familiarity with the status of the AGWY HIV response in the proposed State and its critical gaps. 20 marks
- Demonstrate understanding of the National AGWY Strategies existing to address HIV among key population in the State, with a view to a sustainable response This should include information on strategies intended to reach the AGWY (2 pages) 20 marks
- Describe how your Organization would work with government and other civil society partners to deliver comprehensive and coordinated support to Adolescents and Young Women (AGWY) exposed and infected by HIV; showing clear linkages with other sectors including the private sector, government and other civil society organizations in the State (3 pages). The Application must demonstrate how prioritization of essential gaps for AGWY exposed and infected by HIV in the State will help deliver interventions as needed. Also, state clearly strategies for data management 30 marks
- Include a list of LGAs/States where the CBO has had work experience and demonstrate support from the LGA/State in which you propose to work (letters of support will be welcome). (2 pages). In this section, successful candidates will demonstrate knowledge of LGAs in the State where the most AGWY needs exist based on proposed key criteria and experience implementing programs in those LGAs. 10 marks
- Current organizational structure (organogram) (1 page). CBO must propose a realistic organogram that will achieve smart goals and cost-effective solutions to the identified problems. 10 marks
- CVs of key personnel intended for the project (2 -page CVs) (Executive Director, Project Manager, M&E Officer, Finance Officer) 10 marks.
Application Closing Date
5:00pm, 4th March, 2022.
Submission of Pre-Qualification Documents
All pre-qualification documents (as listed above) MUST be sent electronically to: which is the designated email address set up to receive the submissions for ABIA State.
- All submissions MUST not exceed a maximum email size of 10MB; as your application may be automatically rejected by the system if it exceeds the stipulated email size.
- The subject of your email MUST be titled as follows "PREQ-GFHIV-AGYW-SFH-ABIA"
- Any email received without this subject title will not be considered.
- Any submission received by post or hand delivered WILL be disqualified.
Submission of RFA Documents
The technical applications containing the above requirements MUST be sent electronically to: which is the designated email address set up to receive the submissions.
- All submissions MUST not exceed a maximum email size of 10MB; as your Application maybe automatically rejected by the system if it exceeds the stipulated email size.
- The subject of your email must be titled to contain ONLY your organization’s name (e.g. XYZ Organization, ABIA, Nigeria).
- Any email received without this subject title (i.e. your organization name only) will not be considered.
- Any submission received by post or hand delivered WILL be disqualified.
Additional Information
- Bids which are submitted late or are incomplete or do not fully respond to this ITB may not be considered in the review process.
- SFH is exempted from paying Value Added Tax (VAT).
- The applicable Withholding Tax in accordance with the current statutory revisions will be deducted from the selected CBOs’ contract value.
- All costs incurred by bidders as a result of this process and any subsequent requests for information shall be borne by the bidding companies.
Click Here (PDF) for a detailed description of the ITB.