Request for Expression of Interest for the execusion of some works at the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment

Posted by Ugochukwu on Tue 18th Nov, 2014 -

The Federal Government of Nigeria has received financing from the World Bank towards the implementaticn of the Growth and Employment (GEM) Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. The consulting services are Business Support Platform Design and Management Advisory Services. The Advisers to be selected are required to assist GEM Project in addressing the lack of business infdrmation available within the Nigerian business environment that could be utilized by business support services. Below are details of the assignment.

Request for Expression of Interest for the execusion of some works 


The objective is to design business support portal that will address the lack of business information within the Nigerian business environment to be utilized by businesses and support services to foster innovation, diversification and growth. Details of the long and short term objectives are provided in the full text of the TOR.

Scope of Work:

The selected consultant will undertake the assignment in close consultation with Enterprise Development Centre (EDC), the GEM Project Implementation Unit, and the GEM appointed Grant Manual Consultant. The first stage portal will need to support the requirements of EDC for business training and capacity building initiatives, and of the grant administration requirements that will be set out in the forthcoming GEM Project Grants Manual. The provisional name for the portal is ‘BIG’ (Business innovation and Growth).

The portal must be secure, and GEM must have access to the source codes and the portal must allow more complex additions and links to be incorporated at a later date, using the latest ICT developments, and it must allow data entered by visitors to be auto collated in a separate secure analyzable database. The consultant must ensure that the portal contains the following pages and detailed requirements of each page:
  1. Home Page with clear headline and sub headline: Who ‘BIG’ is and what is offered here
  2. Introductory Page that should tell applicants what ‘BIG’ wants them to know
  3. Basic 1st level screening for eligibility page which incorporates a graphic at the top charting the steps ahead and behind for this and the next pages.
  4. Registering Page that captures a minimum level of basic information that is required from all applicants except those that were refused on the previous page
  5. Detailed information capture page that captures detailed information about the applicant and automatically establishes whether they are suitable to progress to the next stage or not.
  6. What happens next’ page informing the applicant of the next steps that will occur once they click the ‘submit application’ link on this page. This then leads to a ‘Thank you’ message.
  7. Once they are through with this page, applicants will be through to the next stage of portal development. This will depend on the training and grant windows, specific training versus general training, grants versus loans etc, and will be addressed during the second phase of the portal design, building on the work completed under these TORs.
  8. A ‘useful links’ page, ‘contact us’ page, and an’about BIG’ page
Selection of Consultant:
Interested firms should submit Expression of Interest that demonstrates previous experience/assignment portfolio with the following information as basis for pre-qualification:
  1. Profile of firm including ownership structure with full contact details;
  2. Track records of the design of websites demonstrating an ability to evolve to meet increasing complexity and functionality
  3. Evidence of the design and support of similar portals allowing large scale public interaction, registration and data capture and analysis
  4. Details of the design and interactivity of analyzable databases in parallel with data capture websites
  5. Evidence of the construction of secure information capturing web interfaces and databases from the perspective of both cyber security and physical data backup and protection.
  6. Work experience in Nigeria and/or sub-Saharan Africa;
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credit.s & Grants by World Bank Borrower, Revised January 2011. A firm will be selected under Consultants Qualifications (CQ) method in accordance with the procedures set out in the guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultant under IBRD Loans and IDA credits by World Bank Borrower, January 2011. Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours 0900 to 1600 Monday through Friday except public holidays.

Consultants may associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture or a sub consultancy to enhance their qualifications.

Closing Date:

9th December 2014

Expressions of Interest shall be in English and must be submitted in five (5) hard copies (one original and four copies plus one CD Rom), in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Expression of interest for Business Support Platform Design and Management Advisory Services” must be delivered to the address below in person or by courier mail not later than Tuesday, December 9th, 2014.

Project Coordinator
Growth and Employment (GEM) Project
The Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment
Block G, Room 225
Old Federal Secretariat
Area 1, Garki
Tel: +2348039265356 or +2348057763523

EOI received by e-mail will be Rejected

Only short-listed Consultants will be contacted.


