In line with BPP’s guideline and provision of the Public Procurement Act 2007, the management of University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital Ituku Ozalla Enugu, wishes to invite credible, competent and registered contractors to bid for the provision of the underlisted non-consultancy services
Invitation for EOI for Non-Consultancy Services
Scope of Work:
Cleaning Services
- Cleaning of the inside and outside of offices, clinics, laboratories, toilets & bathrooms, and the entire Hospital complex
- Provision of detergents, odour control, disinfectant, chemicals, water, brooms, mops, and other items and consumables required for the cleaning services in the designated hospital areas.
- Provision of equipments/machines, cleaning kits and staff to carry out and manage the cleaning services.
- This job shall be done on a continuous basis to maintain cleanliness in the entire hospital complex.
Laundry Service
- Pick-up, washing, drying, and ironing of:
- pillow cases,
- bed sheaths,
- curtains,
- cushion covers
- theatre gowns and linens
- and other linen materials as may be indicated in the contract agreement in all the wards and offices in the hospital.
- Ensure provision of water (for the purposes of the laundry services), modem industrial detergents, stain removers, antiseptics etc. Deployment of staff and modem washing machines.
Security Services
- The officers shall be uniformed and wear appropriate Identification badges.
- It is mipected that all security officers would be able to speak English and lgbo, and also serve as the hospital gatemen, thus being able to properly transfer calls and welcome visitors.
- Security Services shall be Performed on 7 days per week, 24-hours/per day basis at the following hospital areas;
- UNTH old site, including nurses home
- UNTH new site, ltuku/ozalla including staff quarters and all other complexes
- Rural Comprehensive Health Centre, Obukpa, Nsukka, Enugu
- Rural Comprehensive Health Centre, lsuochi, Abia Sate
- Rural Comprehensive Health Centre, Abagana, Anambra State
- UNTH’s NHIS out-post Federal Secretariat Enugu
- Chief Medical Director’s House
- Chairman, Medical Advisory Committee’s House
- Director of Administration’s house,
- Determine the number of bits to cover the listed areas appropriately.
- Provision of modem security gargets eg. walky-talky, patrol van etc.
Catering Services
- Supply of appropriate food nutrition/dietary requirement for the underlisted categories;
- Regular in- patients (on normal diet),
- High cost in-patients (on therapeutic diet)
- Hospital Staff on call-duty
- Visitors to the Hospital as may be requested by Management from time to time.
- Members of staff
- The caterer is expected to comply with the food menu and time schedule provided by the Nutrition and Dietetics Department of the Hospital.
Appointments as:
- House Officers
- Pharmacy Interns
- Radiography Officers 11 (Interns)
- Medical Laboratory Scientists Grade 11 (Interns)
- Nutrition and Dietetics Interns
- Dental Therapy Interns
- Dental Technology Interns
Mandatory Requirement
- Evidence of registration with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) byindusion of certificate of incorporation.
- Evidence of Tax Clearance Certificate for 2011, 2012 & 2013.
- Evidence of Payment of Value Added Tax (VAT) by inclusion of VAT certificate for the current year.
- Evidence of compliance with the pension reform Act of 2004 by Inclusion of compliance letter from the National pension commission.
- Evidence of compliance with the Industrial Training Fund Amendment Act 2011 by inclusion of compliance letter from Industrial Training Fund.
Selective Criteria/Requirement
- Evidence of membership of professional bodies in the field.
- Must have a pool of competent, well trained staff, knowledgeable enough inhyglene maintenance (LOT 1, 2, & 4).
- Evidence of experience in at least five (5) jobs of similar nature and complexity, verifiable letter of award and certificate of job completion.
- Evidence/Proof of ownership of relevant equipments/ machines respectively for the LOT(S) interested in.
- Evidence of Insurance coverage in case of theft while on guard (LOT 3 only)
- Must be ready to pay staff a minimum wage salary as upheld by the Federal government
- Evidence of Audited Account for 2013.
- Detailed company profile.
- Must be registered with relevant government regulatory body.
Submission of Expression of Interest
The technical and financial bids shall be separated and enclosed in different envelope clearly marked “Technical” or “Financial” bids as the case may be and submitted in one sealed big brown envelope addressed to:
The Chief Medical Director
University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital,
Ituku-Ozalla P.M.B 01129, Enugu.
NB: Evidence of payment of non-refundable processing fee of N 1,000.00 (One Thousand Naira Only) should be attached. Payment to be made at Cash Office, Accounts Department, UNTH, Ituku-Ozalla, Enugu.
Submission Closing Date and Time
All bids shall be submitted at the tamper-proof box located at the
Office of the Director of Administration UNTH Ituku-Ozalla, Enugu, between
8am to 4pm, daIly, from 11th November-23rd December 2014. NB: All bids shall be submitted on or before
12noon, 23rd December, 2014. Late submission will not be entertained.
Opening of Bids
All bids shall be opened immediately after submission deadline 1.e,
12noon prompt on 23rd December 2014 at UNTH BOARD CONFERENCE ROOM.
Only technical bid(s) that meets the stipulated criteria shall have their financial bid(s) opened.
Other Information
Any mutilated bid will not be accepted and only bids that meet the stipulated criteria will be considered. Further Inquiries should be directed to the office of the Head of Procurement Department, UNTH, Enugu.
- This announcement is published for information purposes only and does not guarantee an award of contract. The hospital is not liable to refund any cost/expenses incurred by interested party (ies) in connection with the invitation.
- The hospital management reserve the right to annul the procurement process at any stage.