The Nigeria Depositlnsurance Corporation (NDIC) wishes to invite reputable companies with good track record of performance and experience to tender forthe supply, configuration and installation of the under listed software and High End Blade Server for the Corporation.
Invitation to Tender for the Supply, Configuration and Installation of Various Software and Supply and Installation of High End Blade Server for the Corporation
Scope of Work
The scope of work entails:
Lot 1: Supply, configuration and Installation of Facility Management Software.
Lot 2: Supply, Configuration and Installation of Fleet Management Software.
Lot 3: Supply, installation and configuration Procurement Management Software.
Lot 4: Supply installation and configuration of High End Blade Server atthe Corporation’s Head Office, Abuja.
Tender Documents
Interested companies should obtain the tender document from the
Administration Department, 2nd Floor, NDIC Headquarters, Plot 447/448 Constitution Avenue, Central Business District, Abuja upon payment of the tender fee of
N10, 000.00 for each Lot in Bank Draft made payable to the
Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation, Abuja.
Conditions for Eligibility
All bids must be accompanied with the following:
- Evidence of Company Registration with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in Nigeria.
- The current 3 years Tax Clearance Certificate of the Company (2010—2013).
- The Company’s audited accounts for the last three years (2010— 2013).
- Evidence of Financial capacity or bank support to undertake the project.
- Evidence of having successfully carried out similar works within the past three years.
- Company profile indicating qualification and experience of key staff for the project.
- Proof of Company’s understand log of the job.
- Evrdence of VAT
- Evidence of compliance with Pension and ITF Acts.
- Implementation plan and work methodology.
- Sworn affidavit to indicate that the company is not in Receivership and none of its Directors was ever convicted of fraudulent activity.
- Evidence of registration with Computer Professionals of Nigeria.
Closing Date:
18th December 2014
Submission of Tender Documents
Five (5) bound copies each of the
‘Technical’ and ‘Financial’ tender documents must be submitted in separate sealed envelopes cleady marked
“Technical Bid” and “Financial Bid “respectively, both put in a third (30) envelope sealed and marked on the right hand top corner
Director of Administration Department
Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC),
Plot 447/448 Constitution Avenue,
Central Business District,
Abuja, Nigeria.
The closing date for submission is
Thursday 18th December, 2014, by 11:00am. The tender is to be dropped in the tender box on the
Ground Floor, Reception in the Head Office. Companies dropping tenders are expected to sign the tender register on the
2nd Floor, Administration Department, before dropping the tenders. Submission of tender by post or courier will not be acceptable, and any tender received at the designated location after the required time and date shall be considered late and non-responsive.
Opening of the Tenders
Opening of tenders will be on
Thursday 18th December, 2014, by 11:00am. Only the technical bids will be opened and all successful companies shall be informed in writing. Financial bids of unsuccessful companies will be returned unopened.
Additional Information
- Failure to satisfactorily fulfill the conditions as requested above will result to invalidation of such tender.
- NDIC shall reserve the right to verify the authenticity of claim(s) made by the tendering parties.
- NDIC shall reserve the right to reject any submission based on unverifiable information.