Request for Expressions of Interest for Environmental and Social Safegaurds Specialist (ESSS) at the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment (FMITI)

Posted by Ugochukwu on Fri 26th Sep, 2014 -

The Federal Government of Nigeria has received financing from the World Bank towards the implementation of the Growth and Employment (GEM) Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. The consulting services are Environmental and Social Safeguards Advisory Services. The Advisor to be selected is to ensure that all GEM supported activities remain compliant with World Bank, Government of Nigeria, and State level environmental and social safeguards requirements throughout the implementation period. Below are details of the assignment.

Request for Expressions of Interest for Environmental and Social Safegaurds Specialist (ESSS) at the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment (FMITI)


The objective of the Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialist (ESSS) assignment is to ensure that all GEM supported activities remain compliant with World Bank, Government of Nigeria, and State level environmental and social safeguards requirements throughout implementation. In addition, the specialist should ensure that GEM supported activities and investments do not result in future detrimental environmental and social impacts following the closure of the project.

Scope of Work:

The ESSS to be selected is to ensure that all activities under the GEM project are prepared and implemented in compliance with
  • World Bank safeguard policies and
  • The Federal Ministry of Environment (FMEnv) regulations and procedures.
More specifically, the primary responsibilities of the ESSS will include but not limited to the following:
  1. Provide oversight and input to ensure compliance with environmental and social safeguard policies and regulations, in relation to the planning, preparation, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, reporting and communication of GEM project activities;
  2. Periodically review and assess GEM activities in relation to developments in international best practice;
  3. Utilize recognized environmental and social safeguards instruments, such as the Environmental & Social Management Framework (ESMF), Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), and Environmental Audits;
  4. Ensure that GEM monitoring and evaluation frameworks capture the necessary information required to demonstrate safeguard and regulatory compliance;
  5. Provide environmental and social compliance input into project reports and communication materials.
  6. Respond to and act on external environmental and social impact enquiries and challenges:
Competency and Expertise Requirement:
Interested individuals should submit Expression of Interest with details of the following as basis for pre-qualification:
  1. Post graduate degree in Environmental Management/Science, Environmental/Civil Engineering, Natural Resources Management, Environmental Economics, Social Protection or other relevant field;
  2. At least 6 years of work experience in the preparation of Envfronmental and Social Impact Assessments, Environmental Impact Assessments, Environmental Management Plans and Environmental Audit reports for donor funded agencies. In addition proven experience and accomplishment in the following specific areas is recommended:
  3. Experience in formulating, assessing, and reviewing environmental and social safeguards compliance documents related to the infrastructure sector;
  4. Knowledge of Nigerian Federal and state legislations related to environment & social issues in the infrastructure sector such as Transport, Urban Water, Energy etc;
  5. Experience of carrying out stakeholder consultations and organizing environmental and social safeguards training workshops/seminars;
  6. Knowledge of the Nigeria FMEnv regulations and procedures and World Bank Safeguards Policies;
  7. Previous working relationship with the Environmental Assessment department of the Nigeria FMEnv will be a considerate advantage;
  8. Proven track record in working effectively within multidisciplinary teams;
  9. Evidence of being able to work effectively in high-pressure environment and to tight delivery deadlines;
  10. Literacy in Geographical Information System (GIS) is recommended;
  11. Candidate must be computer literate and should have good verbal and written English language skills.
The attention of interested Individual Consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrower, Revised January 2011. An Individual Advisor will be selected under Individual Consultants Selection (IC) method in accordance with the procedures set out in the guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultant under IBRD Loans and IDA credits by World Bank Borrower, January 2011. Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours 0900 to 1600 Monday through Friday except public holidays.

Closing Date:

24th October 2014

Submission of EOI

Expressions of Interest shall be in English and must be submitted in five (5) hard copies (one original and four copies plus one CD Rom), in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Expression of Interest for Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialist Advisory Services” must be delivered to the address below in person or by courier mail not later than Friday, October 24th, 2014.

Project Coordinator
Growth and Employment (GEM) Project
The Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment
Block G, Room 225
Old Federal Secretariat
Area 1, Garki
Tel: +2348039265356 or +2348057763523

EOl sent by e-mail will be Rejected

Only short-listed Consultants will be contacted. 


