Invitation for Technical and Financial Bids and Expression of Interest for the Execution of 2014 Projects at the Federal Ministry of Environment

Posted by Ugochukwu on Wed 10th Sep, 2014 -

The Federal Ministry of Environment (FME), Mabushi-Abuja wishes to undertake the second (2) phase of its procurement of various Works, Goods and Services under the 2014 Capital Appropriation of the Ministry/Zonal Intervention Projects.

Invitation for Technical and Financial Bids and Expression of Interest for the Execution of 2014 Projects 

In compliance with the Public Procurement Act 2007, the Ministry invites interested, competent and reputable Contractors, Consultants and Service providers with relevant experience and good track records to submit documents necessary for consideration for the execution of the following projects.

Category A (Works)

Lot No, Project Title/Description, Implementing Dept, Location/BOQ
Zonal Intervention Projects

Construction of Box Culvert and Drainage and Erosion Control at Hayin Liman, Bauda, Zabi Phase II Chikaji, Kaduna State: EFCZM: As in the Bidding document.

Erotion control at Sakadadi, Dogarawa, Hanwa, Mibgoma, Bomo, Bas Awa, Ung. Jaba, Ung. Gabas, Palladan, Kaduna State: EFCZM: As in the Bidding document

Retarding of Earth Movement Across Olin-Lin- Eko Igene Road, Uzea, Esan North East LGA, Edo State: EFCZM: As in the Bidding document

Rehabilitation of Okede-Okpogho-Emunekhua Road Emu, Esan South-East LGA, Edo State: EFCZM: As in the Bidding document.

PC – 1:
Construction of a Scrap Metal Recycling Factory in Emuoha near Port-Harcourt, Rivers State: PC&EH: As in the Bidding document.

Pollution Control & Environmental Health Department

PC – 2: Construction of a Scrap Metal Recycling Factory in Tambuwal, near Sotoko, Sokoto State: PC&EH: As in the Bidding document.

Construction of a Scrap Metal Recycling Factory in Kaduna State: PC&EH: As in the Bidding document.
Forestry Department

FD – 1:
Establishment of Bamboo Stick processing machines in Lokoja, Kogi State: FD: As in the Bidding document.

Renewable Energy Programme Unit

REP-1: Supply and Construction of Solar Street Light in Awka Ifitedumu, Dunukofia LGA, Anambra State: REP UNIT: As in the Bidding document.


Construction of Solar Powered Borehole in Omeke, Ezietiti Adaziani, Anaocha LGA, Anambra State: REP UNIT: As in the Bidding document.

Category B (Consultancy Services) Forestry Dept/Climate Change Dept/Pollution Control And Environmental Health Dept.

Lot No, Project Title/Description, Implementing Dept., Location/BOQ
FD – 2: Forest Inventory and Development of Management Plan for Ogoja Forest Reserve in Cross River State: FD: Time frame and modalities for the conduct of the assignment.

FD – 3:
Forest Inventory and Development of Management Plan for Obudu Forest Reserve in Cross River State: FD: Time frame and modalities for the conduct of the assignment.

Development of Pilot GHG Mitigation Project in FCT for Capturing Methane from Land fill for Energy Production: CC: Time frame and modalities for the conduct of the assignment.

Mitigation Project to Capture Biogas from Human Waste in Federal Government Girls’ School, Abuja, FCT (Phase II): CC: Time frame and modalities for the conduct of the assignment.

Baseline Hydrocarbon Evaluation of Qua Iboe River Estuary, Akwa Ibom State: PC&EH: Time frame and modalities for the conduct of the assignment.

Category C (Goods) Renewable Energy Programme Unit/Pollution Control and Environmental Health Dept.
Lot No, Project Title/Description, Implementing Dept, Location/BOQ

REP -3: Procurement of Clean Cook Stoves as an Antideforestation strategy in six (6) Geo-political zones: REP Unit: Kano, Taraba, Cross-River, Imo, Kwara & Ondo States. As in the Bidding Document.

Purchase of Water Hyacinth Harvester Equipment for Epe River in Epe Federal Constituency of Lagos State: PC&EH: As in the Bidding Document.

Mandatory Requirements Without Which A Bidder Shall Be Disqualified From Further Participation: In Category A & C (Works And Goods).

Prospective bidders are required to submit the following documents:
  1. Certificate of Incorporation/Registration with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC);
  2. Evidence of Certification from PENCOM in accordance with the Pension Reform Act 2004.
  3. Evidence of Tax Clearance Certificates for the last three years (2011, 2012 & 2013) corresponding with declared turnovers in Audited Accounts of corresponding three years.
  4. Evidence of VAT Registration with TIN No.
  5. Audited Accounts of the company for the last three years (2011, 2012 & 2013) with Annual Turnover that correspond with Tax Clearance Certificate turnovers of corresponding three years.
  6. Evidence of Certification by the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria (FRC);
  7. Evidence of Registration/Compliance with Section 6 of the Industrial Training Fund Act (ITF).
Other Requirements:
  1. Company Profile and Technical qualifications of key personnel with evidence of experience of similar jobs; Evidence of Registration with Relevant Professional Bodies (including Architects, Civil Engineers, and Quantity Surveyors etc.) is mandatory for construction works;
  2. Detailed Company Profile evidencing its core business and years of experience; relevant experience in assignments of similar nature, references that can attest to successful completion, of similar assignment, and any other information that may show the consultant’s ability to carry out the assignment satisfactorily (Consultancy Services);
  3. Verifiable List of similar jobs successfully executed in the last 3 years Including Letters of Award of Contracts; Project Costs, Job Completion Certificates and Payments (please provide the contact addresses of the Clients);
  4. Evidence of Financial capability from a Reputable Bank to execute the Projects (Bank Letters from reputable banks will form part of the evaluation criteria);
  5. A sworn affidavit confirming that all information presented and attached are true and correct of the company and that no officer of the Federal Ministry of Environment Is a former or present Director, Shareholder or has any pecuniary interest in the bidder;
  6. Evidence of Payment of Non-Refundable Tender Fee of Ten thousand Naira (N 10,000.00) in favour of Federal Ministry of Environment (for Category A & C Projects i.e. Works and Goods)
Collection of Tender Documents:
Tender documents for (Category A and C) Works and Goods are obtainable from Procurement Department, Room 8317,3” Floor on the presentation of a copy of the original Government Revenue receipt of a non-refundable tender fee of Ten thousand Naira (N 10,000.00) only issued on presentation of a Bank Draft in favour of Federal Ministry of Environment for each lot.

Closing Date:

17th October 2014

Submission Requirements:

Completed Technical and Financial Bid (two sets each of Technical & Financial Bids in hard copy) shall be submitted in two different sealed tamper proof envelopes and labeled “Technical Bid” and “Financial Bid” and both placed in a third envelope. All the Three (3 nos) envelopes should bear the “Project Name” and Lot No. at the Top Right Hand Corner of the Envelope and addressed to:

The Secretary,
Ministerial Tenders Board,
Federal Ministry of Environment,

The documents should be deposited in the Tender Boxes In front of the Tender Secretariat, Room 8301, 3” Floor, FME, Mabushi-Abuja. Company names, address and phone number should also be written on the reverse side of the envelope. Closing time for all submissions in category A and C (Works and Goods) is on or before Friday, 17th October, 2014 at 12noon prompt. Late submissions shall be rejected and non-compliance with addressing instruction will lead to disqualification of such bids.
Clearly labelled documents for Expression of Interest (EO1) for Consultancy Services (two sets of hard copy) shall be submitted in the Tender Box in front of the Ministry’s Tender Secretariat, Room 8301,3” Floor, FME, Mabushi-Abuja on or before Friday, 26” September, 2014 at 12 noon. Late submissions shall be rejected, non-compliance with addressing instructions will lead to disqualification of the EOI.

Please Note That:

No Tender fee is required until after prequalification in Expression of Interest (EOI).
Bidders must not bid for more than one (1) Lot in each Category.


Opening of the Technical Bids for Category A and C (Works and Goods) will commence immediately after the closing of Bid submission on Friday, 17”’ October, 2014 at 12 noon prompt at the Ministry’s premises Green Building, Aguyl Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja. However, opening of the Expression of Interest (EOI) In respect of Category B (Consultancy Services) shall take place immediately after closing of the Bid submission on Monday, 22” September, 2014 at 12noon at the Ministry’s premises, Green Building, Aguyi Ironsi Street, Maitama Office, Abuja All Bidders and/or their Representatives, Relevant Professional Bodies and NGOs are invited to witness the public opening exercise accordingly.

Please Note That:
  • All CAC, VAT, PENCOM, ITF, TAX, FRC Certificates and/or letters may be referred to the Security Agencies, Corporate Affairs Comrhission, Federal Inland Revenue Services (FIRS), National Pension Commission and other relevant bodies for verification,
  • Only pre-qualified bidders will be invited for the next stage of the procurement process.
  • The Evaluation of the received documents shall be strictly based on the requirements as specified above and as contained in the Bid Documents.
  • The Federal Ministry of Environment reserves the right to reject any or all the submissions that do not meet up with the requirements as specified.
  • The Ministry is not obligated to award a contract to any bidder and/or applicant and reserves the right to cancel andfor discontinue the procurement process at any stage without Incurring any liability thereby to the bidders.
  • Original Documents on any aspect of a Company’s submission may be requested for sighting.
  • The notice of “invitation to Bids and EOI” shall not be construed as commitnienton the part of Federal Ministry of Environment nor shall it entitle any company to make claims or seek any indemnity from the Ministry.
  • Notwithstanding the submission of your tender data, the Ministry is neither committed nor obligated to include your company in any bid list.
  • Contractors that have executed contracts for the Ministry or sister MDAs and have history of poor performance, abandonment, termination and/or prolonged contract execution period need not apply. 


