Invitation for Pre-Qualification Tender for Year 2009/2010 Intervention in Library Development at Ministry of Education, Osun State

Posted by Ugochukwu on Wed 03rd Sep, 2014 -

The State of Own Ministry of Education, on behalf of the Tertiary Fducatlon Trust Fund (TETFund) Abuja in compliance with the Due Process requirements on award of contracts hereby invites qualified publishing companies to forward their documents for the purposes of pre-qualification and subsequent bidding for the procurement of books for the selected public primary and secondary schools.

 Invitation for Pre-Qualification Tender for Year 2009/2010 Intervention in Library Development at Ministry of Education, Osun State

Scope of work are as highlighted below;
  1. Procurement of 4,315 units of assorted books for fitteen(15) selected public Elementary ,five(5) Middle and five(S) High schools In the State of Own at a contract sum of 3,004. 500.00 only. Lot I
  2. Procurement of 3,05 units of story books for ten(10) selected Public Elementary and five(S) Middle &Hlgh schools iii the State of Osun at a contract sum of N2,096,770.00)only. Lot II
  3. Procurement of 3,155 units on English, Maths, uanhltaive Reasoning and Chemistry for Elementary, Middle & High schools in the State of Own at a contract sum of N3, 265,535.00 only. Lot III
  4. Procurement of 4,100 units of text on Verbal Reasoning and Storybooks for Elementary Middle & High schools in the State of Own at a contract sum of N1, 991, 175.00 only. Lot IV
  5. Procurement of 5,100 unIts of Maths, English, Social studies. Basic science and Tech, books for Elementary, Middle & High schools in the State of Own at a contract sum of N4, 612,500.00 only. Lot V
  6. Procurement of 5,370 units of nursery books for ten(13) selected Elementary ,English for five(5) selected Middle & High schools, Literature books for ten (10) selected High schools In the State of Own at a contract sum of N2,988,210.00 only. Lot VI
  7. Procurement of 3,405 units of Literature books for ten (10) selected Elementary, for five (5) Middle and Practical Chemistry books for High schools in the state of Osun at a contract sum of (N1, 797,310.00) only. Lot VII
Prequalification Requirements.
  1. Evidence of Registration with Corporate Affair Commission (CAC).
  2. Evidence of Registration with the state Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Cooperatives.
  3. Tax clearance certificate for the last three (3) years.
  4. Evidence of VAT Registration.
  5. Articles and Memorandum of Association.
  6. Evidence of previous job completion with certificates of performances.
  7. Evidence of financial capability.
  8. An Audited Account of bidder for the last three years (3)
Tender Fee.
Each would be short listed bidder will be contacted to collect tender document at various non-refundable fee (to be based on project bided for) to be paid to Accredited Bank, by the State Governments’ Account.

Closing Date:

17th September 2014


SubmissIon, Completed tender document must be returned in a sealed envelope stating the contract and specific lot identification/number on the left hand side and addressed to;

The Permanent Secretary,
State Ministry of Education,

Prequailfication is valid until 17th September 2014. The submission will be opened immediately after closing date which is 17th September 2014 at the State Ministry of Education, in the presence of all bidders who choose to attend. Late submission of tender documents will not be entertained.

  • Only the bids of those who fulfill the pre-qualification and tender criteria would be considered. State Ministry of Education is not duty bound to accept the lowest or any bid.
  • State Ministry of Education reserves the right to reject any or all pre —qualification package s,
  • Full tendering procedures will be applied to tenders that are found prima facie qualified and capable of executing the listed projects. 


