Federal College Of Education (SPECIAL)
(Established 1977)
Invitation For Pre-Qualification And Tender For Year 2011 Tetfund (Special Intervention Projects)
1.0 The Federal College of Education (Special), Oyo invites competent/qualified Contractors to submit Technical and Financial Bids for the under-listed projects under Year 2011 TETFUND Project (SPECIAL INTERVENTION).
2.0 Project to be Executed
Construction of Rehabilitation/shelter Workshop
3.0 Prequalification Requirements
Prospective Contractors are required to submit the following prequalification documents:
a) Evidence of Incorporation or Business Name Registration with Corporate Affairs Commission.
b) Evidence of Registration with the College for year 2012.
c) Evidence of Tax Clearance Certificate for the last Three (3) Years,
d) Evidence of Financial Capability and Banking Support.
e) Company’s Audited Account for the last three years.
f) Verifiable Evidence of Technical/key Personnel Qualifications and Experiences.
g) Refundable Bid Security of 2.5% of bid sum in Bank Certified Cheque must accompany bid documents.
h) Verifiable list of similar and other jobs successfully executed with their locations, together with Letters of Awards and Certificates of Job Completion.
I) Verifiable Evidence of Equipment and Technology Capacity with Evidence of purchase where Applicable.
j) Evidence of Remittance of Pension Contribution of Employees to PENCOM in line with Section 8(d) of the Procurement Act.
k) Evidence of VAT Registration and Remittance
I) An Affidavit disclosing whether or not any officer of the Relevant Committees of the Federal college of Education (Special), Oyo or the Bureau of Public Procurement is a former or present
Director, shareholder or has any pecuniary interest in the bidding Company, and confirming that the information it presented in its bid are true and correct in all particulars.
m) Evidence of compliance with Section 6(u) of the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) Amended Act, 2011.
3.0 Tender Procedura
Interested Tenderers are required to pay the sum of Eighty Thousand Naira (N80,000.00) to the College Bursary and collect the Bills of Quantities and other Tender Documents upon the presentation of the evidence of payment from the Secretary, Procurement Planning Committee (Capital).
4.0 Submission Guide
Both the Technical and Financial documents should be neatly bound and each sealed in a separate envelop marked at the top and labeled Technical and Financial Bid respectively, and both packed in a bigger envelop.
The completed package should be addressed to:
The Registrar,
Federal College of Education (Special),
Oyo Town,
Oyo State.
5.0 Opening Of Technical And Financial Bids
All bids received at the address above on or before 12:00noon on the closing date which is Six Weeks from the date of publication of this advert will be opened on the same day at 12:30pm in the presence of all bidders or their representatives who choose to attend.
Atovebi V.O. (Mrs)