The Accident Investigation Bureau (AIB) hereby express its intention to use part of its 2014 Federal Budget Allocation and Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) to fund the procurement of the under listed jobs.
In line with the above and the Public Procurement Act 2007, the Bureau wishes to invite qualified and experienced Contractors to Tender for the jobs.
Invitation to Tender for the Procurement of the 2014 Capital Project at the Accident Investigation Bureau (AIB)
Lot 1: Equipping of Wreckage Hangar Facility at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja.
- Supply, installation and maintenance of wreckage hangar equipment at the wreckage Hangar facility at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja.
- Supply and installation of office furniture/equipment in the wreckage hangar offices at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja.
- Landscaping of the Wreckage Hangar premises at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja.
LOT 2: Production of Accident Reports.
LOT 3: Provision of External Audit Services for the Accident Investigation Bureau.
LOT 4: Provision of all risk Insurance cover for AIB turnkey Flight Safety Laboratory at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja.
LOT 5: Provision of Security Services in AIB office at the Murtala Mohammed International Airport in Lagos.
LOT6: Provision of Cleaning Services in AIB office at the Murtala Mohammed International Airport in Lagos.
LOT 7: Provision of Security Services in AIB office at the Nnamdi Azikiwe Intemational Airport, Abuja.
LOT 8: Provision of Cleaning Services in AIB office at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja.
LOT9: Provision of Internet Services in the Bureau’s offices at the Murtala Mohammed International Airport in Lagos and at the Nnamdi Azikiwe lntemational Airport, Abuja.
LOT 10: Establishment of electronic Personnel Data Management System for AIB.
LOT 11: Electronic Subscription for International Civil Aviation books/documents and other aviation journals for AIB.
LOT 12: Establishment of two regional offices at Enugu and Kano.
- Construction of one (1) unit office building at Kano airport, Kano.
- Furnishing of the regional offices at Kano airport, kano.
- Construction of one (1) unit offices building at Kano airport, Kano.
- Furnishing of regional office at Enugu airport, Enugu.
LOT 13: Supply of four (4) customized low bed trailers.
LOT 14: Supply of eighteen (18) operational vehicles.
Scope of Work.
The general scope of work for the various jobs is as follows:
LOT 1: Equipping of Wreckage Hangar Facility at the Nnamdl Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja:
- This job involves the purchase, supply, installation and maintenance of standard wreckage hangar equipments for the equipping of AIB wreckage hangar at Nnamdi Azikiwe lntemational Airport, Abuja.
- Supply and installation of quality furniture in the wreckage hangar offices This shall involve the supply and installation of various office furniture and equipment in the wreckage hangar offices..
- Landscaping of the Wreckage Hangar premises in Abuja. This job will involve extraction, leveling, filling, laying of specified thickness of concrete /flooring of designated areas and Planting of flowers/trees in the Wreckage Hangar premises.
LOT 2: Production of Accident Reports.
Printing and up loading on AlB website of ten (10) concluded accident investigation Reports.
LOT 3: Provision of external audit services for the AIB.
Provision of annual, quarterly and periodic audit and stock verification exercises and production of audit and stock verification reports. These reports shall be submitted to management for decision making.
LOT4: Provision of all risk Insurance cover for AIB turnkey Flight Safety Laboratory.
Provision of Insurance cover for the Flight Safety Laboratory equipment at the Murtala Mohammed International Airport in Lagos.
LOT5: Provision of Security Services in AIB office at the Murtala Mohammed International Airport in Lagos.
LOT 6: Provision of Cleaning Services in AIB office at the Murtala Mohammed International Airport in Lagos.
LOT 7: Provision of efficient Security Services in AIB office in Abuja.
LOT 8: Provision of efficient Cleaning Services in AIB office in Abuja
LOT 9: Provision of efficient/effective Internet Services in the Bureau’s offices in Lagos and Abuja.
LOT 10: Supply and Installation of a software system to capture the data/personnel records of the Bureau’s staff.
LOT 11: Electronic subscription for ICAO documents and other relevant aviation journals / books.
LOT 12: Establisment of two regional offices at Enugu and Kano:
This job involves the construction of office buildings/furnishing of the offices.
LOT 13: Supply of four (4) customized low bed trailers.
Supply of complete low bed trailer fitted with crane and winches.
LOT 14: Supply of eighteen (18) operational vehicles.
Supply of various types of operational/customized rough terrain vehicles.
Interested Contractors must be duly registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission and should submit the following documents:
- Evidence of registration and updated status with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).
- Certified two copy of memorandum and articles of association with C02 & Co7.
- Evidence of remittance of Withholding Tax for the last three (3) years /current Tax clearance certificates where applicable.
- Value added Tax Registration Certificates with PIN/Past three (3) years remittances.
- Company profile including the full address, E-mail and telephone numbers of the company and professional experience of key staff including their CV’s where applicable.
- Name and address of banker(s) including a letter of reference from the bank.
- Evidence of involvement/experience in similar jobs stating contract sum, copies of award letters, completion certificates, Must be enclosed.
- Audited financial statements of the firm for the past three (3) years.
- An affidavit confirming the authenticity and genuineness of the documents submitted.
- Interested firms must show evidence of compliance with the:
- National Pensions Commission (PENCOM) requirements.
- Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria (FRCN) Registration requirements.
- Industrial Training Fund (ITF) requirement.
- Nigerian Social Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF) requirements.
Collection of Bid Document
Details of the scope and specifications for each of the jobs will be spelt out in the Tender documents. The tender documents can be collected from the office of the Secretary of the Tenders Board on the payment of non refundable Tenders fee of
Ten thousand naira (N10, 000.00) only.
Closing Date:
6th September 2014
Submission of Tender Documents.
Interested contractors shall submit their Technical and Financial bids on or before 6th September, 2014. The tenders/bids documents shall be opened by 12.00 noon on the same day.
The submission shall be made in one soft copy (flash drive) and two hard copies sealed in an envelope with the lot number and the name of the job the firm is intending to undertake clearly written on the envelope and submitted to:
The Secretary, Tenders Board,
Accident Investigation Bureau, P.MB. 016,
Murtala Mohammed Int ‘I Airport,
Ikeja, Lagos.
Important Information.
- Accident Investigation Bureau (AIB) reserves the right to:
(i) Verify the authenticity of any claims made on the documents submitted by the companies.
(ii) Verify the company’s address/location.
- Failure to comply strictly with the instructions above and to provide any required documents may result in the disqualification of the company.
- Original documents listed in item c above must be produced for sighting.
- Tender documents submitted after the closing date and time shall be rejected.
- Interested firms are to note that the Accident Investigation Bureau shall not be held liable for the expenses incurred by them on their submission and that the Bureau shall short list only firms whose submissions are considered to be responsive to the requirements of the Bureau.
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