The Executive Secretariat of Abidjan-Lagos Corridor Organization (ALCO) has received within the framework of the Transitional Funding Mechanism of the Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria a grant for the implementation of the project titled “Intensification of STL/HIV/AIDS Intervention Targeting mobile populations: Consolidation and Extension of the Joint Regional STL/HIV/AIDS Project along the Abidjan-Lagos Transport Corridor”. The purpose of the project is to increase prevention and treatment services for the targets population such as truckers, mobile population, uniform personnel, commercial ex workers, men’s having sex with men’s and resident population along the corridor.
Invitation for Expression of Interest for the External Financial Audit of the Years 2013 and 2014 of the Principal Recipient and Secondary Recipient of the Abidjan-Lagos Corridor/Global Fund Project
ALCO Executive Secretariat now invites eligible firms to express their interest for the audit of the years (2013-2014) of the project.
The objective of the audit is to express a professional opinion on the financial standing of the Project at the end of each fiscal year and to make sure that the resources made available to the Project are used for the purposes for which they were granted for the achievement of the Project development objective.
The consultants (design office, consulting firm or specialized companies) as well as interested and eligible groupings of international and national consultants, are invited to express their interest, by sending application from and by providing information indicating that they are qualified to carry out the above described services (booklets, references in similar contracts, experience under similar conditions, availability of the required qualifications...)
A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures of ALCO.
Closing date: 20th January, 2014
Time: 10:00am
- Interested consultants may obtain further information nation about the reference documents through written application at the address below.
- The projected duration of the mission is four (4) weeks per year.
- Expression of interest should be through posted letters, email or dispatched at ALCO Executive Secretariat latest before the closing date and addressed to:
The Executive Secretary of Abidjan-Lagos Corridor Organization
Rue 234, Maison Alapini, Camp Guézo, Cotonou, Benin
Tel :( +229)21 313579 / 21313591;
Email: Or