Invitation for Technical and Financial Bids for the Configuration and Provision of One Year Portal Infrastructural Support Services for Nigeria Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) Maritime Safety Information (MSI) Portal, Lagos

Posted by Ijeoma on Fri 20th Dec, 2013 -

The Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA), a Parastatal of the Federal Ministry of Transport, intends to complete and upgrade all aspects of its Maritime Safety Information (MSI) Portal as well as acquire a One-Year Maintenance contract for the portal infrastructure. The portal will serve as an infrastructure for the purpose of collating disseminating, cancelling and/or storage of MSI.

Invitation for Technical and Financial Bids for the Configuration and Provision of One Year Portal Infrastructural Support Services for Nigeria Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) Maritime Safety Information (MSI) Portal

Scope of Work

The scope of work shall follow specifications as stipulated below:
  • Completion, Configuration and Testing of NIMASA MSI portal Assets
  • Achievement of MSI Portal infrastructure’s capacity to Collate, Disseminate, Cancel/Store MSI and other information relevant to safe navigation of ships in Nigerian waters.
  • Provide backup and support services necessary to sustain continuous operations of the MSI Portal For a minimum duration of (01) one year.

Eligibility Criteria:
Prospective bidders are required to submit the documents:
  • Company’s profile, stating registered office and contact address (including e-mail address and
  • Telephone numbers);
  • Evidence of Registration with Corporate Affairs Commission RAQ by inclusion of certificate of Incorporation and Article of Association;
  • Evidence of lax Clearance Certificate (for the last three years 2010, 2011 & 2012) with Declared Annual turnover by inclusion of photocopy;
  • Evidence of VAT registration with TIN No. and remittances for the last three wars;
  • Evidence of remittance of Employees pension Contribution/Deduction or Evidence of exemption from PENCOM in accordance with the pension Reform Act 2004, where applicable;
  • Evidence of compliance with industrial Training Fund ([IT) Act, 201.1 by inclusion of Compliance Letters from the Industrial Training Fund;
  • Evidence of Certificate of Registration with Financial Registration Council (FRC) of Nigeria
  • Company’s Audited Accounts for the last three years (2010, 2011 & 2012) duly endorsed by a Firm of Chartered Accountants;
  • A sworn Affidavit that none of the Directors has been convicted in any Court of Law for any criminal offence
Closing date: 10th February, 2014

Time: 12:00noon

Technical requirements:
List of verifiable documentary evidence of similar projects successfully executed/un-going within the last five (5) years (e.g. letters of Award, lob Completion Certificates, evidence of payment etc).
List of Key personnel including professionals (if any) to be attached to the work including photocopies of relevant professional certificates where applicable

Collection of Bid Documents
Interested Companies/Firms should collect Bids documents from the 27th of December, 2013 at:

The Office of the Ag Director, Procurement,  
5th Floor (Room 500) Nigerian
Maritime Administration and Safety Agency, No. 4 Burma
Road, Apapa, Lagos

Upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Five Thousand Naira (N5, 000.00) only at the Financial
Services Department (Revenue Section) of the Agency on the 4th floor.

Submission of Bids
Original and two (02) copies of Bids Documents including editable soft copy of the Expression of Interest in CD-ROM are to be submitted in two separate envelopes. The two envelopes shall then be enclosed in one single outer envelope sealed and marked on the Top Left Hand Corner boldly written “Expression of Interest (EOI) for the Configuration and Provision of One Year Portal Infrastructural Support Services for Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) Maritime Safety Information (MSI) Portal” stating the Company’s Name and submitted to the office of:

The Deputy Director (Procurement),
5th floor (Room 5))
Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency,
No.4 Burma Road, Apapa,
P.M.B. 12861, G.P.O Marina, Lagos.

Opening of bids:
All Bids received shall he opened on the day and time specified below, and all bidders/representatives, relevant Professional Bodies and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are invited to witness the public opening exercise accordingly:

Date: Monday, the 10th of February, 2014.
Venue: Boardroom, 9th Floor, Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency, Head, Ofice, No.
4 Burma Road, Apapa, Lagos
Time: 12.00 noon prompt.

All enquiries regarding this advertisement should be directed to the following telephone numbers during official hours (9a.m 5p.m): 08060068184, 08055350828, 08023055758 and 08051608308.

Please note:
  • This announcement is published for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer by the Agency to transact wit any party tot the project, nor does it constitute a commitment or obligation on the part of the Agency to procure concession services.
  • The Agency will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by any interested party (ies) in connection with any response to this invitation and or the preparation or submission in response to an inquiry.
  • The Agency is not bound to shortlist any bidder and reserves the right to annul the selection process at any time without incurring any liabilities and assigning any reason thereof.


