Request for Expression of Interest for the Consultancy Services FMENVT/EA/2013/II, Abuja

Posted by Ijeoma on Thu 05th Dec, 2013 -

The Federal Ministry of Environment intends to appoint a suitable firm/consultant to undertake Environmental Audit of the PHCN Power Plant at Afam in Oyigbo Local Government of Rivers State.

Request for Expression of Interest for the Consultancy Services FMENVT/EA/2013/II

Scope: the scope of the assignment is as follows:
  • Lot 1
Environmental Assessment Department
Description of Services: Environment Audit of the PHCN Power Plant at Afam
Location: Oyigbo Local Government of Rivers State.

EOl Requirements
Interested firms/consultants are required to possess and submit the following as part of the EOI documents. EOI without any of the requirements need not apply.

  • Certificate of Registration with Corporate Affairs Commission including FORM C07 (Limited liability only)
  • Evidence of VAT Registration and Remittance
  • Company’s current Tax Clearance Certificate for the last three (3) years; (i.e. 2010, 2011 and 2012
  • Evidence of Compliance (Registration and Remittance) with the provision of Industrial Training Fund (ITF) amended Act 2011
  • Evidence of Compliance (Registration and Remittance) with the provision of PENCOM Act 2004
  • Evidence of firm/consultant Registration with relevant Professional/Regulatory body (eis)
  • Provide details of Company’s profile including the Curriculum Vitae of 5 most, important professional staff and other resources
  • Verifiable evidence of previous experience in the jobs of this magnitude nature in the last five years (Attach letter of Award, Payment Certificates and Certificates of Completion)
  • Company Audited Accounts for the last 3 Years prepared by a professional registered with Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria.(Attach evidence of registration)
  • Evidence from the company’s Bankers as to its financial capacity/Bank Support to undertake the works, if awarded;
  • Name, Address, phone number and e-mail of contact person,
  • A Letter authorizing the Federal Ministry of Environment to verify claims with relevant agencies or bodies,
  • Photocopy of the Bid Purchase Receipt
Affidavit of disclosure that:
  • None of the persons connected with Bid process in the procuring entity has any pecuniary interest.
  • That the company is not in receivership or any form of insolvency, bankruptcy) debarment
  • That none of the Directors of the company has been convicted for financial or economic crimes.
  • Please provide ONLY coloured photocopy of the documents listed as items I, ii and iii and arrange all documents in the order listed above
Closing date: 18th December, 2013
Time: 12:00noon

Additional Information
  • Notwithstanding the submission of tender data, the Federal Ministry of Environment is neither committed nor obligated to include your company or any bid list or award any form of contract to your company or agent.
  • The advertisement shall not be considered as commitment on the part of the Federal Ministry of Environment; nor shall it entitle potential companies to make any claims whatsoever or seek any indemnity from the Federal Ministry of Environment by virtue of such company having responded to the advertisement.
  • The Federal Ministry of Environment reserves the right to make available the Tender documents to shortlisted firms only.
  • Tender requirements are to be included in the technical bid.

Nonrefundable EOI

EOI documents are to be submitted to the Secretariat of MTB, Federal Ministry of Environment,
Room B301, Mabushi with evidence of payment of a non-refundable fee of Ten Thousand naira
N10,000.00) only, in bank draft issued in favour of the Federal Ministry of Environment for each of the Lots Interest (Interest switching after purchase will not be allowed)

The submission is to consist of one Original and two duplicate copies in the envelope marked “Confidential” on the top of the left hand corner, hand written EOI (Specify Lot). The submission is to be addressed to:

The secretary, Ministerial Tenders
Board Federal Ministry of Environment,
Telephone: 08094912628
and submitted at:

Room B301, MTB Secretariat, 3rd Floor,
Federal Ministry of Environmerit,
Headquarters Mabushi,

Late submissions will be rejected, while the EOI will be opened at 12.00 noon same day of closing date at:

Auditorium, Ground floor Green Building,
Federal Ministry of Environment
Plot 14, Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama,

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