Invitation to Tender for the Federal Ministry Of Women Affairs and Development, Abuja
The Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development, invites interested, experienced and reputable Companies to tender for the provision of the following essential services for year 2014:-
- Lot 1- Provision of Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy for staff of the Ministry
- Lot 2- Provision of Cleaning and Janitorial Services for the Ministry
- Lot 3- Supply of Food Stuff to the Nigeria Farm craft Centre for the Blind, Isheri - Olofin, Lagos
Bidding Requirement
All interested bidders should submit the following:
Company Profile;
- Evidence of Key Personnel with their qualification(s) and Experience;
- Evidence of Registration with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC);
- Evidence of Tax payment or Tax Clearance for the last three (3) consecutive years
- Evidence of Registration with PENCOM;
- Evidence of Registration with SITF / compliance with Section 6(2) of the ITF Amendment Act 2011;
- Evidence of Registration with the Financial Reporting Council;
- Evidence of Registration with National Insurance Commission (For Insurance Policy); LOT 1 (only)
- Evidence of Accreditation with the Office of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation (For Insurance Policy); Lot 1 (only)
- VAT Registration Certificate including TIN Number;
- Evidence of Financial Capability from a Reputable Commercial Bank;
- Any other relevant information that will be of help in determining the firm’s suitability for the work
Collection of Tender Document
Bidders are expected to collect Tender Documents from the Office of the Secretary Ministerial Tenders Board, Federal Ministry of Women Affairs & Social Development, 4th Floor, Room 5A/405, Federal Secretariat Annex, Shehu Shagari Way, Abuja after payment of the non-refundable fee of N15, 000.00 only. In the Ministry’s Central Pay Office (CPO), from 12 Noon on Monday 18th November, 2013 to Friday 27th December, 2013.
Submission of Proposals
All completed tender documents should be returned by hand in one (1) hard copy in a sealed envelope and addressed to: The Secretary Ministerial Tenders Board, Federal Ministry of Women Affairs, 4th Floor, Room 5A/405, Federal Secretariat Annex, Shehu Shagari Way, Abuja.
Closing date:
27th December, 2013.
The Documents Shall Be Opened the Same Day of the closing date by 12.00noon at the Ministry’s Conference Room, on the 2nd floor.
Please note:
The Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development reserves the right to reject any document it consider doubtful and will not enter into any litigation in respect of this advertisement.