Invitation To Tender For A Building And Construction Of Project To The Ministry Of Education, Science And
Technology Ado-Ekiti
The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Ekiti State hereby i) invites interested and reputable contractors with relevant experience to submit their bids for the construction of the following building and construction Project.
Lot No: 1
Title of Project: Renovation of Principal’s Quarters.
Project Location: Christ’s School Ado-Ekiti
Delivery Entry: 90 days
Lot No: 2
Title of Project: Construction of Staff Quarters of 2, nos 3 bedroom suites
Project Location: Christ’s School Ado-Ekiti
Delivery Entry: 90 days
Lot No: 3
Title of Project: Construction of Staff Quarters of 2, nos 3 bedroom suites
Project Location: Christ’s School Ado-Ekiti
Delivery Entry: 90 days
Lot No: 4
Title of Project: Construction of Staff Quarters of 2, nos 3 bedroom suites
Project Location: Christ’s School Ado-Ekiti
Delivery Entry: 90 days
Lot No: 5
Title of Project: Construction of Staff Quarters of 2, nos 3 bedroom suites
Project Location: Christ’s School Ado-Ekiti
Delivery Entry: 90 days
Lot No: 6
Title of Project: Tarring of 0.9Km road
Project Location: Christ’s School Ado-Ekiti
Delivery Entry: 90 days
Lot No: 7
Title of Project: Construction of ultra-modern Library with furniture
Project Location: Egbe oba High School Ikole-Ekiti
Delivery Entry: 90 days
Lot No: 8
Title of Project: Construction of a storey building of 12 classrooms with inner offices
Project Location: Egbe oba High School Ikole-Ekiti
Delivery Entry: 90 days
Lot No: 9
Title of Project: Renovation of a block of 10 Classrooms
Project Location: Egbe oba High School Ikole-Ekiti
Delivery Entry: 90 days
Lot No: 10
Title of Project: Construction of principal’s Quarters of 4-bedroom suite
Project Location: Egbe oba High School Ikole-Ekiti
Delivery Entry: 90 days
Lot No: 11
Title of Project: Construction of ultra-modern Library with furniture
Project Location: Amoye Grammer High School, Ikere-Ekiti
Delivery Entry: 90 days
Lot No: 12
Title of Project: Renovation of boy’s hostel and construction of House master’s house behind it.
Project Location: Amoye Grammer High School, Ikere-Ekiti
Delivery Entry: 90 days
Lot No: 13
Title of Project: Renovation of boy’s hostel and construction of House master’s house behind it.
Project Location: Amoye Grammer High School, Ikere-Ekiti
Delivery Entry: 90 days
Lot No: 14
Title of Project: Sinking of a borehole with reservoir tank
Project Location: Amoye Grammer High School, Ikere-Ekiti
Delivery Entry: 90 days
Lot No: 15
Title of Project: Construction of Kitchen
Project Location: Amoye Grammer High School, Ikere-Ekiti
Delivery Entry: 90 days
- Qualification Requirement
- Evidence of Registration with Corporate Affairs Commission
- Evidence of Registration of Business Premises
- Evidence of Current Registration with Bureau of Public Procurement
- Evidence payment of Development Levy for the last three years, inclusive of the current year
- Evidence of Tax Clearance of the company for the past three years; inclusive of the current year
- Evidence of Tax Clearance Certificate of two Directors of the company for the past three years; inclusive of the current year
- Evidence of payment of non-refundable tender’s fee on the contractual quoted amount.
- VAT registration and evidence of payment
- Company Profile
- Evidence of Registration with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Ekiti State
Closing date:
3rd of December, 2013.
Note that:
A completed tender application should be accompanied with Bill of Quantities for the project;
Contractors with uncompleted ongoing projects at the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Ekiti State need not
Each application will cover only one lot and the lot number and title should he written at the right edge of the envelope.
All information and applications should he submitted to the addressed below:
The Secretary,
State Tenders Board,
Cabinet and Special Services Department,
Governor’s Office,
Ado- Ekiti.
For more information log on to: