Appointment of a Facility Manager for our property - Yobe Investment House, Abuja, located at plot 13332, Cadastral Zone A00, (Central Area District), behind Federal Ministry of Finance, Abuja, Nigeria.
This advertisement is for the appointment of a Facility Manager for the subject property mentioned above. The property is a 7 storey building at the high end and 5 storey building at the lower end and comprises of the following:
- Total let able space of approximately 5,200sq.m
- 2No Car Parking Space for approximately 65 Cars
- 2N0. Passenger Lifts
- 2No. 5OOKVA Generator
- 2No. 500KVA/11 Transformers
- Borehole
- Underground and Overhead Water Reservoirs
- Water Sprinkler Machine and Fire Fighting Equipment
- Property and Equipment Insurance fully covered
- Gate House
- Control Rooms
Interested applicants are hereby invited to submit their Proposals and Expression of Interest to provide Facility Management Services in respect of the subject property.
Pre-qualification Requirement/Criteria
The pre-qualification requirements/criteria shall include, but not limited to the submission of the following;
- Certificate of Incorporation with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC)
- Certificate of Registration with all relevant Professional bodies and Associations
- Evidence of Tax Clearance Certificate for the past three consecutive years
- Evidence of VAT Registration and TIN number
- Company Profile including profile of Board Members
- Names and Qualification of Key Management Personnel
- Evidence of financial capability accompanied with Bank references.
- Current facilities being managed, especially, in Lagos and Abuja
- Offer price per sq. meter
- Preparedness to make 2 years down payment
Closing Date
25th November, 2013
Method of Application
All Proposals are to be forwarded through our websiyte:
Or submit hardcopies to the address below
No. 3, Amusement Park Street,
Off Bukar Abba Ibrahim Way, Games Village,
P.M.B. 1042, Damaturu, Yobe State.