TSHIP (Targeted States High Impact Projects) is a five-year program focused on the improvement of Health Systems and the Management of Health Systems for higher quality Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health service delivery in Nigeria. TSHIP is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by a group of foreign and local non-governmental organizations consisting of John Snow Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI), Center for Development & Population Activities (CEDPA), Futures Group International LLC, JHPIEGO, and Management Strategies for Africa (MSA).
The Targeted States High Impact Project (TSHIP) Nigeria announces the following Request for Proposal(s).
- Supply of Laptops
- Supply of I OKVA Sound Proof Diesel Generators
- Printing of Bauchi State Essential Medicines & Medical Consumables List Booklet.
Location Bauchi
Contract Type Contract
Please submit quotations between 8:00 am to 5:30 pm on or before April 1st 2013. All vendors are to drop the quotation in the Tender Box, Marked TSHIP, placed in the security post area of
TSHIP Bauchi office No.3 Emir Sulaiman Adamu Street,
off Airport road, GRA, Bauchi State, Nigeria
Consider your submission unsuccessful if you do not hear from us after two weeks from the closing date.
For more details please log on to TSHIP Official website at
JSI is an equal opportunity employer. Please visit our web site
www.tshipnigeria.org for more details on the organization.