1.) Introduction:
The ABUTH Management invites interested and reputable Contractors and Suppliers with relevant experience and good track record for pre-qualification for the following projects at ABUTH, Zaria:
Lot 1: Purchase of Highly Rugged Ambulance
Lot 2: Procurement of Medical Equipment & Theatre Linens
Lot 3: Replacement of Mortuary Cooling Plants
Lot 4: Purchase of X-Ray Machine
Lot 5: Purchase of Laboratory Equipment
Lot 6: Rehabilitation & Equipping of Tudun-Wada Hospital Zaria
Lot 7: Construction of Walk Way Linking Psychiatric Ward, Nuclear Medicine with Ward Block “K” and “S”
Lot 8: Construction & Furnishing of I Block of 20 Units of one bed room self contained Apartment
Lot 9: Rehabilitation of (6)Nos. Blocks of House Officers Quarters at the Transit Camp. (Block A-F at the P/Site)
2.) Pre-Qualification
In order to be considered for pre-qualification, bidders must submit the following:
- Certificate of Registration with Corporate Affairs Commission.
- Evidence of Current Tax Clearance.
- Company Audited Account for the last 3 years.
- VAT registration certificate.
- Evidence of PENCOM Registration
- Original copies of documents listed in item (i-iv) for sighting during the opening session which is scheduled for 8th April, 2013 at 2.00pm
- Evidence of Experience with similar jobs in the last three years. This should include the scope/volume of work and the amount, which should be verifiable.
- Evidence of financial capability to handle the job and bank support.
- Company profile including names and technical qualification(s) and experience(s) of key personnel.
3.) Closing Date/Submission of Pre-Qualification Documents
The completed pre-qualification documents should be enclosed in an envelope, sealed and marked “Pre-Qualification Documents For The (Indicate the Project you are bidding for) and addressed to:
The Chief Medical Director,
ABU Teaching Hospital, Zaria.
Attention: Asst. Director of Admin. (Planning).
4.) The completed pre-qualification documents should be deposited in the Tenders Box situated at the Office of the Chief Medical Director, ABUTH, Zaria, two weeks from the date of this publication, i.e. on or before 12 noon of Monday 8th April, 2013
5.) The submitted pre-qualification documents will be opened on
Monday 8th April, 201 3.at 2:00p.m. in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend, at the Board Room, ABUTH, Permanent Site, Shika-Zaria.
6.) This is not an invitation to tender, full tendering procedure will be applied only to bidders that have been pre-qualified and found capable of project delivery.
7.) Tenderers should note that only pre-qualified companies would be invited to submit financial bids. The ABUTH Management reserves the right to reject any or all pre-qualification documents.
8.) Interested Companies/Contractors wishing to bid for more than one aspect of the work must submit separate Pre-qualifications for each Aspect(s).
Director of Administration