Tenders are invited from suitably qualified contractors registered with the Ministry of Education for renovation of administrative office and bursary blocks, construction of culverts, walkways and access road and procurement of laboratory furniture for JSS and SSS laboratories in one of her school for the year 2010 Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETF) special intervention at Josephine Oduah Memorial Schools, Akiliozizor, Ogharu LGA.
The details of the projects are as thus:
1.) (Year 2010 Special Project)
- Renovation of Administrative office and blocks. TETF project no MOE /Anambra/SP/TETF/1 0/01
- Construction of culverts, walkways and access road. TETE project no MOE/AN/$P/TETF/1 0.02
- Procurement of laboratory furniture for JSS and SSS laboratories. TETF project no MOE/AN/SP/TETF/1 0/03.
2.) Applicants are required to show evidence of the following;
- Evidence of Incorporation of Business name Registration
- Evidence of Registration with Ministry of Education
- Evidence of company audited account for the past 3 yrs.
- Evidence of corporate tax clearance for (3) three preceding years and valid Identification Number (TIN)
- Evidence of financial capacity from a bank
- Evidence of similar project executed and knowledge of the industry
- Indication of equipment and technical capacity
- Annual turnover
- Experience /technical know-how
- VAT registration and evidence of VAT remittances
- WHT Registration and evidence of past WHT remittances
- Evidence of payment of tender non-refundable deposit of (N20,000) twenty thousand naira only
- Time of completion
- Bid or amount quoted
3.) Closing Date/Submission
All submissions which shall be sealed shall reach the undersigned not later than
31st March, 2013 and only selected contractors shall be written to tender for the lobs.
Dr. (Mrs). Ngozi Ezeike
Permanent Secretary/Chairman
Ministerial Tenders Board
For: Hon. Commissioner