The Federal Character Commission invites submissions from individuals (Professionals) with cognate experience in the Audit and Survey of Socio-Economic and Infrastructural amenities in Nigeria.
A) Terms of Reference
- Design the Framework, Questionnaire, Templates/ Formats for collection of Data;
- Provide Socio-Economic Amenities indices;
- Development of training and implementation module;
- Conduct training for field officers and;
- Guide the Commission on the entire survey projects and other issues incidental to;
B) Criteria for Selection
Candidates will be selected on the basis of the followings:
- Professional qualifications, reliability, professional and managerial competence, other relevant experience for the assignment.
- The effectiveness of proposal in meeting the needs of the Commission (thoroughness of the Consultant methodology, approach, and work plan including comments on the terms of the Consultant).
C) Submission Date
All Submissions should be properly bound and sent in a sealed envelop addressed to:
The Secretary to the Commission
Federal Character Commission,
Plot 64, First Avenue, Off Shehu Shagari Way, Abuja.
Attention: Director, Corporate Services
Closing Date
25th March, 2013