A.) Preamble
The National Agency for The Control of AIDS(NACA) recently signed Round Nine(9) Global Fund Grant on behalf of the Federal Government of Nigeria which HIV/AIDS Treatment, Care and Support in particular and strengthen the health system in Nigeria generally.
As part of the grant, NACA as the Principal Recipient (PR) intends to engage the services of consultants who have highly specialized knowledge and extensive experience on the following Assignment
- Independent External Audit consultancy service
B.) Assignments Description
Specifically, the objectives of the engagement are, among others, External Audit
- Establish that proper books/records of the accounts have been maintained and are in agreement with the supporting documents, information and explanations obtained from the implementing agencies i.e. Principal and Sub Recipients.
- Establish that the expenditure had been incurred in accordance with the grant agreement signed by the implementing agency and in accordance with approved work plans and budgets.
- Verify that the reported activities were actually implemented and properly represented in the required financial reports/statements by the agencies
- Verify that all related procurement procedures that enhance transparency including proper record keeping were adhered to accordingly.
- Verify that proper records/books have consistently been prepared in accordance with the accountability guideline issued by the Financial Management Agency (FMA) and that the reports are in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.
C.) Guiding Criteria for Selection
The selection of the consultants will be in accordance with the procedures set out in the guideline published by the Donor and Bureau of Public Procurement.
D.) Eligibility Criteria and Expected Contents of Expressions of Interest
Prospective applicants are requested to submit their expressions of interest that demonstrate capacity and capability to undertake this assignment detailing the following information as basis for short- listing for further evaluation in a subsequent process in which technical and financial proposals will be requested and reviewed accordingly. The prospective bidder may be a single entity or consortium but not individual consultants:
- Evidence of registration with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) by inclusion of Certificate of Incorporation and Article of Association;
- Detailed company profile containing experience with minimum five (5) years on the Assignment. These information should include Background with brochures and area of expertise, Description of similar assignments with verifiable letters of contract award and certificate of job completion, spell out professional capacity of staff as well as adequate and appropriate resources to carry out the assignment; -
- Evidence of registration as a corporate entity with professional bodies such as, ICAN, OAGF;
- Evidence of Tax payment for the past 3 consecutive years:
- Evidence of Vat registration & proof of past remittances;
- Annual turnover and Audited Statement of Account for the past three 3 consecutive years:
- Evidence of compliance with the provision of the pension Reform Act with the provision of the pension 2004 as contained in Section 16(6d) of the Public Procurement Act 2007
- For Joint Ventures (JVs) include Memorandum of Understanding (Indicating the responsibilities and duties of the individual firm constituting the JV):
- Evidence of recommendation from prospective Consultant’s Bankers indicating the financial capacity and capability to undertake the Assignment, it awarded.
E.) General Terms and Condition
Expressions of interest must be in English language only and submitted in the Tender Box provided in two (2) copies (one original & copy) in a sealed envelope clearly marked
“NACA- Expressions of Interest for External Auditor” with acknowledgment to NACA office at the address below.
The agency reserves the right to reject any or all of the Expression of Interest
F.) Closing Date/Submission
Interested Consultant may obtain further information at the same address from 0900 to 1530 hours local time Mondays to Fridays (except public holidays) EOI must be delivered to the same address on or before
1200 Hours local time on Monday 18 March 2013. The EOI proposal shall be opened the same day by 1400 Hrs at the conference room of NACA.
G.) Contact Information
Procurement Unit
National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA)
Plot 823Ralph Shodeinde Street,
Central Business District, Abuja, NIGERIA
Tel.: +234(9)461 3724-29; Fax +234(9) 461-3700