Gombe state Agency for the control of AIDS (GomSACA) coordinates the responses for HIV/AIDS epidemic in the state. It has received financing from the World Bank to coordinate the HIV/AIDS Program Development Project (HPDP 2) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consultant services.
This is a call for Expression of Interest from qualified and competent organizations to respond to one specific service category - HIV Prevention of New Infections and care and support services.
Organizations are expected to work with any or all specified target populations within the specified geographic coverage areas to deliver, evidence based HIV intervention packages in line with international standard and best practices.
Also note that current target and geographic locations are based estimates, however findings from ongoing epidemic- appraisal will provide more accurate data, therefore CSO should be willing to accommodate such changes.
A. HIV Prevention of New Infections:
1. Most At Risk Populations (MARPs)
a) Female Sex Workers
- Geographic Coverage Area: 5 LGAs Gombe, Billiri, Kaltungo, Akko and Funakaye
- Intervention packages
- Behavioral: education, community dialogue/outreaches.
- Biomedical: HCT, PMTCT, condom and lubricants programming, and STI control and Management,
- Structural: interventions to address: Policies, sociocultural norms, individual empowerment, stigma and discrimination and gender issues)
b) Intravenous Drug Users (IDU)
- Geographic Coverage Area: 11 (LGAs) Akko, Balanga, Billiri, Dukku, Funakaye, Gombe, Kaltungo, Kwanii, Nafada, Shongom and Y/Deba
- Intervention packages
- Behavioral: education, community dialogue/outreaches,
- Biomedical: HCT. PMTCT, harm reduction, condom and lubricants programming, and STI control and Management,
- Structural: interventions to address: Policies, sociocultural norms, individual empowerment, stigma and discrimination and gender issues)
2. Other Vulnerable Groups
a) Transport workers
- Geographic Coverage Area: three (3) LGAs (Funakaye, Gombe and Akko)
- Intervention packages
- Behavioral: education and community dialogue
- Biomedical: IICT, PMTCT, condom and lubricants programming
- Structural: Stigma and discrimination, gender issues, Linkages and referals.
3. General Population
a) Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission
- Geographic Coverage Area: 11 LGAs Akko, Balanga. Billiri, Dukku, Funakaye, Gombe, Kaltungo, Kwami, Nafada, Shongom and Y/Deba
- Intervention packages
- Behavioral:- Behavioral: education, community dialogue
- Biomedical: IICT, PMTCT, condom and lubricants programming
- Structural: interventions to address stigma and discrimination, gender issues, linkages and referrals.
b) General Population
- Geographic Coverage Area: 11 LGAs Akko, Balanga, Billiri, Dukku, Funakaye, Gombe, Kaltungo, Kwami, Nufada, Shongom and Y/Deba.
- Intervention packages
- Behavioral::-Behavioral: education, community dialogue
- Biomedical: 1-ICT, PMTCT, condom and lubricants programming
- Structural: interventions to address stigma and discrimination, gender issues, linkages and referrals.
1. Care and Support of People Living With 14EV/AIDS (PLWHA)
- Geographical Coverage area - 11 LGAs Gombe, Kwami, Funakaye, Nafada, Dukku, Akko, Yamaltu Deba, Billiri, Kaltungo, Shongoni & Balanga
- Intervention packages
- Behavioral:-Behavioral: education, community dialogue
- Biomedical: HCT, PMTCT, condom and lubricants programming
- Structural: interventions to address stigma and discrimination, gender issues, linkages and referrals.
2. Care and Support for OVCs
- Geographical Coverage area - 11 LGAs esp. rural areas Gombe, Kwami, Funakaye, Natiala, Dukku, Akko, Yamaltu Deba, Billiri, Kaltungo, Shongom & Balanga
- Intervention packages
- Behavioral:-Behavioral: education, community dialogue
- Biomedical: HCT, condom and lubricants programming
- Structural: interventions to address stigma and discrimination, gender issues, linkages and referrals.
Gombe state Agency for the control of AIDS (GomSACA) invites eligible organizations to express their interest in providing any of the above mentioned services. Interested CSOs/PSOs must provide information indicating they are qualified to perform the services which include evidence of registration with CAC not less than one year old, brochures / organizational profile containing area of expertise, description of similar assignments with delivered results, demonstrate logistics, and infrastructural capacity to deliver, experience in similar projects, availability of adequate staff with appropriate skills, office accommodation located within the state, operational governance structure and process, understanding the culture and traditional values including local languages of the project areas, evidence of working in and with the community and evidence of financial management. Organizations are encouraged to associate to enhance their qualifications.
General Terms and Conditions
Organizations will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (January 2011 edition).
- All Expression of Interest must be submitted in triplicates (three hard copies), one CD Rum and delivered to Gombe State Agency for the Control of AIDS (GomSACA) not later than 27th February, 2013.
- The sealed envelope must be clearly marked GomSACA Expression of Interest for HAF Grant.
- Only CSOs/PSOs shortlisted for the next stage would be contacted for further details.
Interested applicants may obtain further information at the address below from 8.00am to 4pm Monday- Friday (Except public holidays).
Expression of Interest through email or fax will not be entertained.
The expression of interest should he addressed and delivered not later than 4pm daily, including the day for the closure of submission at GomSACA office as addressed below.
Gombe state Agency for the control of AIDS (GomS.4 CA), along tashan Dukku, Adjacent to meyetti hospital, Tel: +234-8024-0133-26, Gombe, P.M.B. 0148, and Gombe, Gombe State,
Email: gomsacahpdp_20yahoo.com
Announcer: Management