1.) Introduction
Qualified, experienced and competent Companies/Firms are invited for pre- qualification of the under listed projects at the Federal College of Education, Okene.
- Renovation of some students’ hostels
- Rehabilitation of some academic buildings
2.) Pre-Qualification
Interested Companies are required to submit in sealed envelopes, Pre-qualification documents for consideration on or before the closing date.
The documents required for Pre-qualification include:
- Company’s Certificate of Registration with Corporate Affairs Commission
- Company profile and evidence of Relevant/Similar projects executed in last six years.
- Company’s audited account for the last three years
- Tax clearance Certificate for the past three years
- Irrefutable/Concrete evidence of financial capability to execute and complete the project/Bank reference.
- Ability to complete the project within specified completion time
- Evidence of VAT Registration and remittances
- Evidence of ITF training contribution in compliance with the statutory provision section 6 (i)-(iii) of the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) amended act 2011.
- Evidence of PENCOM registration and remittances
- Any other document that may place your company on comparative advantage
2.1 Please note that non-compliance with the above requirements may render applications invalid.
3.) Submission of Documents
Pre-qualification documents shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope marked and specified at the top left
“Confidential” Pre-Qualification, Construction of Project and should be addressed to:
The Secretary,
Procurement Planning Committee,
Federal College of Education,
P.M.B. 1026, Okene, Kogi state
3.1 Closing Date
Pre-qualification documents must be submitted not later than three weeks from the date of this publication i.e
11th February, 2013 to March 4, 2013 by 12.00 noon. Prequalification documents will be publicly opened immediately the same day in the College Board Room.
3.2 Contractors who choose to attend are advised to be seated by 12.00 noon for the exercise.
Secretary, Procurement Planning Committee